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On the User Prompts and System Prompts pages, you can create, maintain, filter, and search call prompts for your company. You can record prompts with your browser or you can upload pre-recorded prompts. 

A prompt is an audio message that helps the caller know an action is required or a process is complete. In general, prompts tell callers what to do. In Architect, prompts are .wav audio files or text-to-speech cues that guide callers through an interaction. For example, Architect can play a prompt when control is passed to a menu, or when a call is transferred to another queue or department. Architect presents call prompts to the caller through spoken greetings or instructions that help them decide which action they want to take next.

Architect contains two types of prompts:

  • User prompts: User prompts are company-specific prompts created by Architect users. If you have the appropriate Architect user editor or admin permission, you can create, modify, and delete user prompts. If you have the Architect user read-only permission, you can search for and listen to prompts.
  • System prompts: System prompts are Architect-provided, generic prompts to indicate numbers, dates, days of the week, months, and so on. You cannot delete System prompts, but you can override the default resources for the languages. For example, let’s assume you want to modify the System “CompanyGreeting” prompt resources for en-US. You can edit the prompt and in the Resources area, record or upload your own .wav file for English, or change the default TTS to a custom word or phrase.