View a customer’s journey details


The following permissions:

  • Journey > Event > View (core permission to view the Customer journey gadget and see the detailed view of conversation sessions)
  • Journey > Event Type > View (to view the conversation event details)
  • Journey > Session > View (to retrieve the list of conversation sessions
  • Journey > Session Type > View (to retrieve only the conversation sessions)
  • External contacts > Session > View (to allow admins to enable the journey tab
  • Routing > Wrap up code > View (to view the wrap-up codes related with the interaction)
  • Routing > Queue > Search (to view the queue the interaction is part of)

To view the in-progress and complete interactions, see Interactions view

From an interaction’s detail page, agents can use the Customer Journey tab to view customer journey information during a phone call or web message interaction with a customer.

Note: Single customer view is division-unaware. However, customer journey data is division aware. To view the customer conversation data of divisions, assign the required divisions to the user role.

Customer journey information is available for conversations from the following channels:

    • Voice
      • Inbound calls
      • Agent-initiated outbound calls
    • Messaging
      • Web Messaging
      • Web chat
    • Digital
      • Email
      • SMS
      • Agentless notifications (WhatsApp and SMS)
    • Social media
      • WhatsApp
      • LINE
      • Twitter SM
      • Facebook messenger
    • Website visits
      • Web Events (Genesys Predictive Engagement only)
      • Content Offers (Genesys Predictive Engagement only)

    Customer journey information is not yet available for conversations from the following channels:

    • Knowledge – Support center
    • Agentless email notifications 
    • Campaigns, including callbacks
    • Co-browse
    • Instagram DM
    • Open and authenticated web messaging
    Note: If your organization has Predictive Engagement and you have the appropriate permissions, other information is available to you. For more information, see View a Predictive Engagement customer’s journey details.

    1. Conversations panel: Displays your current interactions, such as inbound calls, outbound calls, and message interactions. 
    2. Customer Journey icon: Opens the Customer Journey tab, which displays a customer’s contextual journey history.
    3. Interactions: List of the current and historical activity in interaction journey cards. To view an interaction’s agent and queue details, click the interaction. The journey card displays the information at the bottom. If an interaction was transferred between different queues and agents, details of the last queue and agent are displayed. 
      For active web messaging interactions, “Live” appears in the first column with a green status icon. After 45 seconds of inactivity, the icon changes to yellow. After 1 minute of inactivity, the interaction shows as inactive. It remains inactive unless the customer triggers another web event (for example, a page view), at which point the interaction shows as “live” again. If your organization has Predictive Engagement, see View a Predictive Engagement customer’s journey details.
      For active inbound and outbound call interactions, “Live” appears in the first column with a green status icon. When you wrap up the call, the interaction shows as inactive.
      For past interactions, the date the interaction occurred appears in the first column. 

    For more API-related information, see Single Customer View on Developer Center.