Service goal templates overview

Service goal templates are simple templates that you can set up to describe your organization’s service goals. Assign these templates to one or more planning groups in the business unit. Service goal templates are based, in part, on the functionality previously known as service goal groups. Service goal groups allowed users to set performance goals for one or more queues. However, with service goal templates, you can set service goals once and then apply them to one or more planning groups within the business unit.

For more information about service goal templates, see the following articles.

Task Description
Service goal templates key principles Review the recommended principles when creating and configuring service goal templates. 
Navigate the service goal template page Manage existing and add new service goal templates.
Add a service goal template Add a new service goal template and set up service goals.
Manage service goal templates Make changes to an existing service goal template, including editing the service level, percent and time period of interactions answered, average speed of answer, and abandonment rate.