Add the AWS S3 recording bulk actions integration

You can export recordings, screen recordings, attachments and metadata, in bulk and store them in a configured S3 bucket. For more information, see Working with exported recordings in AWS S3 bucket.

To add the integration:

  1. Click Admin.
  2. Under Integrations, click Integrations.
  3. Click the Integration button.
  4. Select AWS S3 Recording Bulk Actions Integration and click Install.
  5. Click the Configuration tab.
    1. Enter the name of the S3 bucket you created.
    2. Optional: Enter a public key.
  6. Click the Credentials tab.
  7. Click Configure.
  8. The Configure Credentials dialog box appears.
    1. Enter the following information:
      • Role ARN: The role in your AWS account that has access to your AWS S3 bucket. This credential allows Genesys Cloud to access the AWS S3 bucket associated with this role.
    2. Click OK.
    3. Click Save. A list of all integrations that you have installed appears.
  9. Activate the integration.
    Note: If you do not activate the integration, then any recording bulk actions associated with the integration will not appear in Genesys Cloud applications.

    The integration is now active. You can edit, deactivate, or delete an installed integration. For more information, see Edit, deactivate, or delete an integration
  10. Create or edit a policy and enable Export Recording with Integration.

      • Exported recordings are exported using standard storage class. 
      • You can export archived recordings, but the process will take many hours to complete.
      • Orphan recordings are not exported unless the recording is recovered later.
      • Genesys Cloud exports recordings one time. If you create an export that matches a recording that has already been exported, that recording will be skipped.
      • A Genesys Cloud organization can only have a single instance of this integration active at a time.
      • If you configure a recording to be exported and deleted at the same time, the recording will first be exported and then deleted.
      • For the query parameters pageNumber and pageSize, values that are not valid are changed to the default values.