Series: Create a campaign setting

Configure Genesys Cloud campaign setting information

Note: This article applies to Genesys Cloud for Salesforce.

When you create a campaign setting, an Information section appears. In this section, you add general information about the campaign setting that you are creating.

    1. Select Genesys Cloud Campaign Settings from the menu in the top toolbar. (You previously created a tab in the Salesforce toolbar for easy access to your campaign settings. For more information, see Create a campaign setting.)
    2. In the Recent Genesys Cloud Campaign Settings section, click New.
    3. Enter information for the following items:

      The integration populates the Lookup fields and lists with data synced from your Genesys Cloud organization when you clicked Retrieve Options. For more information, see Retrieve Genesys Cloud campaign options.

      Tip: If you do not see items that you expect in the Lookup fields or lists, confirm that the items exist in your Genesys Cloud organization and then click Retrieve Options.
      Note: Depending on the Dialing Mode selected, the following fields are required or optional.

      • Genesys Cloud Campaign Setting Name: Name of the campaign setting.
      • Division: Division of users in your Genesys Cloud organization that you want to limit access of campaign data to.

        Defaults to the Home division. For more information, see Divisions overview and Retrieve Genesys Cloud campaign options.

      • Dialing Mode: Determines how contacts are dialed.
      • Genesys Cloud Queue: Queue in your Genesys Cloud organization that you want to route the campaign calls through.

        For more information, see Queue administration.

      • Skip Preview: Indicates whether agents see a contact’s information and the script before dialing.

        For more information, see Accept or skip a previewed call.

      • Caller ID: Phone Number: Phone number that you want to appear to people contacted during the campaign
      • Caller ID: Name: Name that you want to appear to people contacted during the campaign.
      • Genesys Cloud Script: Script in your Genesys Cloud organization that you want agents to use.

        For more information, see About scripting.

      • Genesys Cloud DNC List: Do Not Contact list in your Genesys Cloud organization that you want to use.

        For more information, see Do not contact lists view.

      • Genesys Cloud Contactable Time Set: Time zone and time definition in your Genesys Cloud organization when the integration calls people.

        For more information, see About outbound dialing.

      • Genesys Cloud Edge Group: Association of Edge devices in your Genesys Cloud organization that you want to use to route calls.

        For more information, see About Edge groups.

      • Genesys Cloud Site: Association of Sites in your Genesys Cloud organization that you want to use to route calls.

For more information, see About sites.

      • Genesys Cloud Call Response: Settings in your Genesys Cloud organization that determines how the campaign responds to live persons, answering machines, and other scenarios.

For more information, see Call analysis responses page.

      • Genesys Cloud Call Rule Set: Settings in your Genesys Cloud organization that trigger actions based on certain conditions.

        Select one or more rule sets and then click Arrow . For more information, see Rule management overview

      • Sort List Numerically: Indicates whether the integration sorts the Genesys Cloud contact list in numeric order.

        Order is based on a value that you add to the Sort Order field on campaign members records. For more information, see Configure the sort order of campaign members

      • Sort List Ascending: Indicates whether the integration sorts the Genesys Cloud contact list alphabetically in ascending order.

        Order is based on a value that you add to the Sort Order field on campaign members records. For more information, see Configure the sort order of campaign members

      • Enable Agent Owned Dialing: Indicates that the integration routes interactions to agents who are assigned to campaign members. 

        This selection cannot be changed when a campaign is running and requires that you select Preview Dialing as the Dialing Mode. For more information, see Agent-owned records for preview campaigns.

      • Agent Owned Column: Read-only field that displays the campaign member field selected in the Agent Owned Column section.

This field is automatically populated when you click Save. For more information, see Configure the agent-owned column.

4. Click Save. The information you entered is saved as the Genesys Cloud Campaign Setting Detail section.

Genesys Cloud Campaign Setting Details

For more information, see About Campaign Management.

For more information about the integration, see About Genesys Cloud for Salesforce.

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