Outbound dialing roles and permissions

To use outbound dialing features, administrators and agents need the permissions described here. For details on Genesys Cloud’s feature permissions, see Roles and permissions overview.

Note: If your organization is configured for divisions, outbound administrators require permissions by division to perform campaign-related actions. See Divisions overview for details.

Outbound administrator

This table lists the outbound permissions available to administrators. By default, the Outbound Admin role and the Outbound > All > All permission include these permissions.

Note: It can take up to five minutes for permission updates to make their way through Genesys Cloud and take effect.

This permission Allows this action
Outbound > Attemptlimits > Add Add attempt limits
Outbound > Attemptlimits > Delete Delete attempt limits
Outbound > Attemptlimits > Edit Edit attempt limits
Outbound > Attemptlimits > View View attempt limits
Outbound > Audit > View View audits
Outbound > Callabletimeset > Add Add callable time set
Outbound > Callabletimeset > Delete Delete callable time set
Outbound > Callabletimeset > Edit Edit callable time set
Outbound > Callabletimeset > View View callable time set
Outbound > Campaign > Add Add campaign
Outbound > Campaign > Delete Delete campaign
Outbound > Campaign > Edit Edit campaign
Outbound > Campaign > Search Search campaign
Outbound > Campaign > View View campaign
Outbound > Campaignrule > Add Add campaign rule
Outbound > Campaignrule > Delete Delete campaign rule
Outbound > Campaignrule > Edit Edit campaign rule
Outbound > Campaignrule > View View campaign rule
Outbound > Campaignsequence > Add Add campaign sequence
Outbound > Campaignsequence > Delete Delete campaign sequence
Outbound > Campaignsequence > Edit Edit campaign sequence
Outbound > Campaignsequence > View View campaign sequence
Outbound > Contact > Add Add contact
Outbound > Contact > Delete Delete contact
Outbound > Contact > Edit Edit contact
Outbound > Contact > View View contact
Outbound > Contactlist > Add Add contact list
Outbound > Contactlist > Delete Delete contact list
Outbound > Contactlist > Edit Edit contact list
Outbound > Contactlist > View View contact list
Outbound > Contactlistfilter > Add Add contact list filter
Outbound > Contactlistfilter > Delete Delete contact list filter
Outbound > Contactlistfilter > Edit Edit contact list filter
Outbound > Contactlistfilter > View View contact list filter
Outbound > Dnc > Add Add DNC
Outbound > Dnc > Delete Delete DNC
Outbound > Dnc > Edit Edit DNC
Outbound > Dnc > View View DNC
Outbound > Dnclist > Add Add DNC list
Outbound > Dnclist > Delete Delete DNC list
Outbound > Dnclist > Edit Edit DNC list
Outbound > Dnclist > View View DNC list
Outbound > Eventlog > View View event logs
Outbound > Responseset > Add Add response set
Outbound > Responseset > Delete Delete response set
Outbound > Responseset > Edit Edit response set
Outbound > Responseset > View View response set
Outbound > Ruleset > Add Add rule set
Outbound > Ruleset > Delete Delete rule set
Outbound > Ruleset > Edit Edit rule set
Outbound > Ruleset > View View rule set
Outbound > Schedule > Add Add schedule
Outbound > Schedule > Delete Delete schedule
Outbound > Schedule > Edit Edit schedule
Outbound > Schedule > View View schedule
Outbound > Settings > Edit Edit outbound settings
Outbound > Settings > View View outbound settings
Outbound > Wrapupcodemapping > Add Add wrap up code mapping
Outbound > Wrapupcodemapping > Delete Delete wrap up code mapping
Outbound > Wrapupcodemapping > Edit Edit wrap up code mapping
Outbound > Wrapupcodemapping > View View wrap up code mapping

Outbound agent

This table lists the outbound permissions available to agents. By default, the Outbound Agent role includes these permissions.

This permission Allows this action
Outbound > Contact > Edit, View View and edit contact
Outbound > Dnc > Add Add a contact to a do-not-call list