Campaign rules view

This view manages campaign rules. Campaign rules affect the execution of campaigns, based on the current number of campaign agents or a campaign’s percentage of completion. Unlike call rules, which apply to calls, campaign rules apply to campaigns or sequences of campaigns.

  • Campaign rules evaluate running campaigns to take actions such as starting, stopping, setting priority, or recycling the contact list.
  • Rule conditions compare the current number of campaign agents or a campaign’s real-time percentage of completion to predefined thresholds.
  • For a campaign rule to have an effect, switch the status toggle to On in the Campaign rules view.

To set up rules that affect the processing of calls instead of campaigns, use call rules

Here are the elements to configure for the Campaign Rules view.

Figure shows the elements to configure for the campaign rules view.

Elements Managing campaign rules
Create New To configure a new campaign rule, click Create New.
Edit To edit a campaign rule, select the check box and click Edit.
Copy To duplicate a campaign rule, select the check box and click Copy.
Delete To delete a campaign rule, select the check box and click Delete.
On/Off toggle To make a campaign rule active or inactive, switch the Status toggle to On or Off.
Name To filter for a rule, enter a rule name in the Search box. To open a rule in the editor, click the rule name.
 Caret up and down 

To sort the list of campaign rule entries, click the caret in the Name field.
The entries are sorted in ascending or descending order.


The Campaign Rule view is paginated. Use the paging controls to navigate to the next or previous page. The current position is indicated by the page number. Change the number of entries displayed on each page in the records per page dropdown list.
