Create campaign rules
The following permissions:
- Outbound > Campaignrule > Add
- Outbound > Campaignrule > Delete
- Outbound > Campaignrule > Edit
- Outbound > Campaignrule > View
- Outbound > Campaign > Search
- Outbound > Campaignsequence > View
To create campaign rules:
- Click Admin.
- Under Outbound, click Rule Management.
- Click the Campaign Rules tab.
- Click Create New.
- Type a descriptive name for the rule in the Campaign Rule Name box.
- Click the Campaigns to Run Conditions ON box. Select a campaign.
- Repeat the previous step to select other campaigns.
- (Optional) Click the Sequences to Run Conditions ON box. Select a sequence.
- Repeat the previous step to select other sequences.
Select a type of condition for the rule to evaluate.
Campaign Agent Count—bases the rule condition on the number of active agents. If you select this option, you are prompted to select a comparison operator, and to supply a numeric value. For example, a rule might check to see if the current number of campaign agents is less than 5.
Campaign Progress—bases the rule condition on the Campaign Progress Percentage. If you select this option, you are prompted to specify a percentage (from 1 to 100) and a comparison operator. For example, a rule might check to see if the campaign progress percentage is greater than 80%.
The calculation of the percentage of contacts dialed is
(current contacts processed / total contacts) x 100
- (Optional) Click Add New Condition to add another rule condition.
- If the rule has more than one condition, use the Match any or All Conditions switch to select whether actions are executed if any condition is met, or only when all conditions are met. The default is All.
Under Actions, select a type of action for the rule to carry out. The available actions are:
- Change Campaign Queue—Sets the queue of agents that you want to participate in this campaign. To filter the list, type all or part of a name in the Queue filtered box. If you do not type filter text, the Queue box lists all queues.
This action can only be applied to non-running campaigns.
In the Campaigns box, select the campaigns to execute the action for. You can also apply this action to the campaign that the condition of the rule has been triggered for, by setting Use Triggering Campaign to Yes.
Recycle Campaign—recycles the campaign, so that dialing starts over starting with the first contact. If you recycle a campaign that is off, the campaign starts at the first record when it is turned on. If a completed campaign is recycled, the recycle is unnecessary since the campaign starts at the first contact record anyway.
Select campaigns to recycle from the Campaigns box, or apply this action to the current campaign by setting Use Triggering Campaign to Yes.
Note: When you are setting up a recycle rule to have a campaign recycle after it reaches 100% completion, you must configure the campaign as Always Running for the recycle to consistently trigger without the campaign turning off. -
Set Campaign Dialing Mode—changes the dialing mode used to place calls on one or more running campaigns. You are prompted to specify the dialing mode. For more information about dialing modes, see Dialing modes. Not all dialing modes are interchangeable. The allowable dialing mode changes are:
Switch From To Preview To Progressive To Power To Predictive To Agentless To External Calling Preview Progressive X Power X X X Predictive X X X Agentless External calling Note: If you select this action to change a campaign from Progressive to Predictive or Power dialing mode, make sure that you are aware of any configuration settings that might be affected, such as G and H for wireless phones.Select campaigns from the Campaigns box, or apply this action to the current campaign by setting Use Triggering Campaign to Yes.
- Set Campaign Max Calls Per Agent—Limit the maximum number of outbound campaign calls that the system can place for an agent at a time, for the specific campaign. If no value is entered, the default value in Outbound Settings is used. This setting can be less than or greater than the value specified in Outbound Settings, provided that the value entered is within the allowed boundaries. In the Campaigns box, select the campaigns to execute the action for. You can also apply this action to the campaign that the condition of the rule has been triggered for, by setting Use Triggering Campaign to Yes.
- Set Campaign Number of Lines—Select the Lines value to set the total maximum number of lines that this outbound campaign can consume.
This action switches all target campaigns into Lines Distribution by Reserved Number of Lines mode. This action is only applicable to auto-dialing campaigns. For additional information, see step 10 in Outbound Lines Distribution. In the Campaigns box, select the campaigns to execute the action for. You can also apply this action to the campaign that the condition of the rule has been triggered for, by setting Use Triggering Campaign to Yes.
Set Campaign Priority—sets the importance of a campaign relative to others that are running. You are prompted to assign an integer between 1 and 5 inclusive. This setting helps outbound dialing determine how many calls to place for each campaign for each agent.
Select campaigns from the Campaigns box, or apply this action to the current campaign by setting Use Triggering Campaign to Yes.
- Set Campaign Weight—Select the Weight value to set the relative share of lines that a campaign is assigned. This action switches all target campaigns into Lines Distribution by Weight mode. This action is only applicable to auto-dialing campaigns. For additional information, see step 10 in Outbound Lines Distribution. In the Campaigns box, select the campaigns to execute the action for. You can also apply this action to the campaign that the condition of the Rule has been triggered for, by setting Use Triggering Campaign to Yes.
- Set Compliance Abandon Rate—Set maximum percentage of abandoned calls allowed for the campaign. Enter a value with the precision to the tenths of a decimal, for example, 0.2, 3.1, or 4.0. The default value is 5.0. This action is only applicable to campaigns in Power and Predictive dialing modes.
The value entered is automatically rounded to the tenth of a decimal if the precision is greater than a tenth. For example, 5.77 is automatically rounded to 5.8. For more information, see Outbound abandoned calls.
In the Campaigns box, select the campaigns to execute the action for. You can also apply this action to the campaign that the condition of the rule has been triggered for, by setting Use Triggering Campaign to Yes.
Turn Campaign Off—Halts outbound dialing for campaigns that you select, or for the current campaign if you set Use Triggering Campaign to Yes.
- Turn Campaign On—Starts outbound dialing for campaigns you select, or for the current campaign if you set Use Triggering Campaign to Yes.
- Turn Sequence Off—Halts outbound dialing for each current campaign in selected sequences. Afterward no dialing is performed for those sequences, since all of their campaigns are off.
- Turn Sequence On—Starts sequences of chained campaigns. The next campaign in each sequence will start dialing immediately when the previous campaign has attempted to dial all its contacts. If a sequence previously completed, the first campaign in the sequence is activated. Otherwise, the sequence attempts to resume the previously active campaign at its last location in the contact list.
- Change Campaign Queue—Sets the queue of agents that you want to participate in this campaign. To filter the list, type all or part of a name in the Queue filtered box. If you do not type filter text, the Queue box lists all queues.
- (Optional) Click Add New Action to add another action.
- Click Save. The rule is added to the Campaign rules view.
To have effect, a campaign rule must be turned on by setting its switch in the Campaign rules view. Locate the new rule in the Campaign rules view. Then set its Status to On.
If a campaign rule had its corresponding campaign deleted, and an attempt is made to re-enable that campaign rule, a toast message appears to indicate that the campaign no longer exists. The message is: