Genesys Cloud - July 14, 2021


Video chat enhancements

Genesys Cloud 1-to-1 chat and group video chat now include a new video toolbar and video conferences for up to 12 participants. In addition, video chat now intelligently adjusts video quality based on bandwidth and provides higher quality and improved stability. For more information, see About video chat. This feature has no restriction by user or required user to access. 

Contact center

Introducing open messaging

Administrators and developers can now use the open messaging integration to facilitate messaging with third-party systems and external messaging services. Open messaging consists of an API with webhooks. Similar to other Genesys Cloud messaging channels, open messaging leverages Genesys Cloud’s asynchronous ACD capabilities to route inbound messages to the right queues and agents. For more information, see About open messaging in the Resource Center and Open messaging in the Developer Center. This feature requires one of the following subscriptions: Genesys Cloud User 3, Genesys Cloud User 1 Digital Upgrade II, or Genesys Cloud User 2 Digital Upgrade I.

Gamification leaderboard scope and reporting intervals customization

Performance management administrators can now configure the reporting intervals for customizing trend views and the leaderboard rank limit for agent views. This enhancement provides improved insight into agent performance and targeted objectives. For more information, see Gamification default profile. This feature requires the following subscription: Genesys Cloud User 3. 

Enhanced agent workforce management schedule views in Genesys Tempo mobile application

The Genesys Tempo mobile application now provides enhanced daily, weekly, and monthly schedule views that allow agents to quickly check their schedule anywhere, at any time. For more information, see Mobile apps for workforce management schedules and About workforce management for agents. This feature requires one of the following subscriptions: Genesys Cloud User 2, Genesys Cloud User 3, Genesys Cloud User 1 WEM Upgrade II, or Genesys Cloud User 2 WEM Upgrade I.


Introducing the Zoom Meetings integration

The Zoom Meetings integration is now available from Genesys AppFoundry. Use the Zoom Meetings integration to create Zoom Meetings and view Zoom Meeting schedules directly within Genesys Cloud. For more information, see About the Zoom Meetings integration. This feature requires the following subscription: Collaborate.

Salesforce Omni-Channel chat routing in Genesys Cloud

Genesys Cloud for Salesforce administrators can now route Salesforce Omni-Channel chats using Genesys Cloud ACD routing. For more information, see the Salesforce release notes and Install and configure the Genesys Cloud for Salesforce External Routing package. This feature has no restriction by user or required user to access. 


Collaborate call functionality on mobile devices deprecation

On October 13, 2021, Genesys will remove call functionality from the Collaborate app on mobile devices. For more information, see Deprecation: Remote station calling in the Collaborate app. This feature requires the following subscription: Collaborate.

Journey JavaScript SDK specific mappable customer traits deprecation postponement

On May 19, 2021, Genesys announced that the Journey JavaScript SDK will no longer allow mapping of some specific customer traits for use in Live Now or for segment, outcome, or action map configuration starting July 14, 2021. That date is now postponed to July 28, 2021. For more information, see Deprecation: Select mappable customer traits. This feature requires one of the following subscriptions: Genesys Cloud User 2, Genesys Cloud User 3, Genesys Cloud User 1 Digital Upgrade I, Genesys Cloud User 1 Digital Upgrade II, or Genesys Cloud User 2 Digital Upgrade I.