Genesys Cloud - December 18, 2019

Contact center

Predictive Engagement webhooks

Predictive Engagement administrators can now use the Webhooks action type to send real-time journey context data from Predictive Engagement to third-party systems. This feature uses Genesys Cloud integrations to notify internal CRMs and other back-office systems of Predictive Engagement-related activity on tracked websites. For more information, see About webhooks

Export view group data metrics enhancement

Contact center managers and supervisors can now export Agents, Queues, and DNIS Detail views as group aggregate and detail metrics in one export file. Managers can share the exported file with others in the contact center and use it to further analyze contact center performance. For more information, see Export view data.

Improved evaluation scoring results

Quality management administrators and evaluators now see only the new score after rescoring a completed evaluation. In addition, scoring results no longer include deleted evaluations. For more information, see View an interaction’s quality summary and Re-score an interaction.


OAuth scopes for applications

Genesys Cloud now supports the OAuth 2 standard for secure authorization. The OAuth scopes for applications feature enables administrators to limit an application’s access to an organization’s data. Rather than grant complete access to an organization’s account, administrators can define the scope of access given to applications built in Genesys Cloud. For more information, see About OAuth scopes for applications.

Agent Details enhancement in Analytics API

Developers can now query historical agent detail records asynchronously using the new Jobs API Endpoint. This endpoint returns the same data as the query endpoint, but for historical agent data only. For more information, see Analytics overview in the Developer Center.


iOS Supervisor chat deprecation

On February 19, 2020, Genesys will remove the chat feature from the iOS Supervisor app. For more information, see Deprecation: iOS Supervisor chat

WebRTC signaling deprecation update

After reviewing Community feedback about the WebRTC signaling deprecation that was announced on November 20, 2019, Genesys renamed and revised the Resource Center article to clarify the deprecation and customer impact. For more information, see Deprecation: Long polling for Genesys Cloud clients and network configurations