Automated call routing

Automated call routing uses AI to analyze incoming calls and direct them to the most appropriate agent based on the query’s complexity and the agent’s expertise. This technology improves efficiency by reducing wait times and ensuring customers are connected to the best available resource.

Examples of automated call routing methods:

Bullseye routing

Bullseye routing is a strategy in which the number of agents included in consideration for an interaction is expanded incrementally over a period of time. This strategy draws its name from the visualization of a bullseye target in which an interaction is queued for the most desired agents — or the center — but the pool of agents expands. For more information, see Bullseye routing overview.

skills-based routing (SBR)

Skills‐based routing uses customer data and AI to match callers with agents. Skills‐based routing considers the customer’s requested language, skills, and the nature of the request to select the agent who is best equipped to serve the customer. This enhances customer satisfaction by providing more personalized and effective service.