Configure prompt resources

  • Architect > UI > View

To work with system prompts, the following permissions:

  • Architect > System Prompt > Edit
  • Architect > System Prompt View

To work with user prompts, the following permissions:

  • Architect > User Prompt > Add
  • Architect > User Prompt > Edit
  • Architect > User Prompt > View
In Architect, a prompt is essentially a container for the prompt resource or resources you select to guide callers through an interaction. Prompts are audio messages that inform the caller when an action is required or that a process is complete. For example, Architect can play a prompt when control is passed to a menu, or when a call is transferred to a workgroup. In general, prompts tell callers what to do. A prompt resource is a recorded audio file or text to speech phrasing that you specify within the prompt container. 

You can upload pre-recorded .wav audio files to use as user call prompts. You can also record an audio prompt in .wav format, if you have a microphone installed on your computer or device, from your browser. You can also add text-to-speech to a Prompt Resource.

For more information, see the following articles:

Page Features you can configure

Upload an audio file

Learn how to upload .wav audio files to use as call prompts.

Record a prompt from your browser

If you have a microphone installed on your computer or device, you can record a prompt from your browser in .wav format.

Add text to speech to a prompt

Use TTS, or text to speech, to type words or phrases that Architect will convert to speech and read back to the caller.

Set up an audio sequence

Set up an ordered sequence of audio elements to play to the caller.