Workspace transfers

Note: This article applies to Genesys Cloud for Salesforce.

In Salesforce apps with console navigation, you can transfer a workspace with an interaction (either blind transfer or consult transfer). The workspace includes the main tab that you are viewing and any subtabs associated with that main tab.

Note: Both the agent making the workspace transfer and the agent receiving the transfer must be working in the same console navigation environment. Otherwise, the workspace does not transfer with the call.

Transfer main tab and subtabs in Salesforce

In the transfer dialog window, the Transfer Selected Tab setting appears. If the name of the main tab is available, the name appears in parentheses.

Note: The Consult button does not appear for chat, email, message, and ACD voicemail interactions.

transfer workspace window

You can change the workspace that is transferred by navigating to a different main tab. When you are ready, continue with a blind transfer or consult transfer.

For more information, see Blind transfer an interaction, Consult transfer a call, and Transfers.

For more information about the integration, see About Genesys Cloud for Salesforce.