View outcomes

Feature deprecation: Genesys will no longer support ACD Web Chat v2, which is available to customers via all its corresponding Chat Widget versions. This is further to the deprecation of ACD Web Chat v1, which was announced earlier. As a result, Predictive Engagement will also end support for these legacy web chat versions. For more information, see Deprecation: Removal of ACD Web Chat (version 2).

All existing customers are encouraged to migrate to Web Messaging and Messenger.


Configure the following permissions in Genesys Cloud CX:

    • Journey > Outcome >Add, Delete, Edit, View
    • Journey > Outcome Predictor >Add, Delete, Edit, View

View outcomes list

Field Description
Name Outcome name
Updated Date the outcome was last modified in Predictive Engagement
Description Outcome description
Active Indicates whether the outcome is ready to use on your website
Outcome Scoring Indicates if the outcome is enabled for scoring. Available only to Predictive Engagement customers
Options Menu of options available for the outcome, such as edit, delete, and duplicate

Search for outcomes

Type one or more characters (not case-sensitive) for which to search. As you type, only the outcomes that match your criteria appear in the list.

A column heading with an arrow indicates that you can click the arrow to sort the list by that entity. An upward-pointing arrow indicates that the list is in ascending order and a downward-pointing arrow indicates that the list is in descending order.

Create an outcome

To create an outcome, click Create outcome and then follow the instructions in Manage outcomes.

Note: You can create up to 100 outcomes and enable scoring for up to 10 outcomes.

Edit an outcome

To modify an outcome, search for it and then click the Edit menu option. Follow the instructions in Manage outcomes.

Duplicate an outcome

To simplify the process of creating an outcome, you can duplicate an existing outcome. Search for the outcome to duplicate and then click the Duplicate menu option. The duplicate outcome displays in edit mode. Specify a new name for the duplicate outcome and then modify the remaining information as appropriate.

Note: Genesys Predictive Engagement scores the new outcome independently from the original outcome based on visit data gathered after you save and activate the new outcome. You must manually enable outcome scoring for the newly created outcome. If you edit any of the conditions for the outcome, click the checkmark for each changed condition before you save the outcome.

Delete an outcome

To delete an outcome permanently, search for the outcome, click the Delete menu option, and then confirm.

Note: Deletion is permanent. To suspend the outcome from use temporarily, deactivate it instead.

Note: Outcomes of custom KPIs are available on the page with the naming convention, Predictive_Routing_{kpi_name}_outcome. If you delete the outcome, the respective custom KPI can no longer be used.

View outcome report

To learn how well you are engaging specific segments of visitors, click the Outcome Reporting can be found here menu option.

Entity Description
Name Outcome name.
Action Maps Number of action maps that have assisted in an outcome achievement.
Achieved Number of times that the outcome was achieved.
Achieved w/ Action Number of outcomes achieved that were associated to a web action (such as, web chat or content offer).
Achieved w/ Action % Percent of actions that achieved the outcome (Achieved with Action / number of actions).
Segments Number of segments that achieved the outcome.
Active Indicates whether the outcome is ready to use on your website.
Updated Date the outcome was last modified.

For more information about Journey Outcomes, see the Journey Outcomes view in the Genesys Cloud CX Resource Center.