Transfer a web chat interaction

Genesys encourages existing web chat customers to migrate to web messaging.

Feature coming soon: Agent-level transfer permissions


The following permissions:

  • AnalyticsQueue Observation > View permission
  • To perform a blind transfer: Conversation > Communication > All
  • To perform a blind transfer: Conversation > Communication > blindTransfer
  • To perform a blind transfer to another agent: Conversation > Communication > blindTransferAgent
  • To perform a blind transfer to an External Contact: Conversation > Communication > blindTransferExternal
  • To perform a blind transfer to a queue: Conversation > Communication > blindTransferQueue

  1. From the Conversations roster, click the chat that you want to transfer.
  2. Above the interaction, click Transfer .
  3. Begin to type a name and from the list of suggestions, select the person or queue that you want to transfer the chat to.
  4. Select the user or queue from the suggestions displayed.  
  5. Click Transfer
    Note: Chats declined by the intended recipient reenter the queue. 
  6. Complete any after contact work.