Set your contact options

Add your email address and phone number to your profile. To reach you, your coworkers click the following icons. These icons appear on your profile, in search results, and on your contact card.

Contact icons from user mention in Genesys Cloud

Set your contact options in user settings:

  1. To access user settings, from the sidebar, click your picture then click the larger profile picture.
  2. In your profile’s edit mode, in the Contact Information section, click Edit.
  3. Add the email addresses and phone numbers that you want your coworkers to see.
      • Click Primary for your default email address and work phone number.

        Note: If you choose a different primary number on your profile than the work number assigned to you by an administrator, then incoming calls do not go to your selected phone. Incoming calls instead go to your primary number. You still use your selected phone to place outbound calls.

      • Click Accept SMS if you can receive texts at each phone number.
        Note: If you select to have a number to be both primary voice and primary SMS, your outbound caller ID uses the number on the trunk.
      • Add and the country code prefix to international phone numbers.
    The Edit Contact Information window
  4. Click Add New to add instant messaging and address information. 
  5. When you have finished, click Save.