Set channel behavior and thresholds


Voice channel

Before you set voice channel behavior and thresholds, review these considerations:

  • When you create an external SIP trunk and specify a calling name, that calling name takes precedence over the calling party name you set here. If you configure a calling party name on a trunk, the calling party name you configure for a queue never appears. For more information, see Create a trunk under BYOC Premises.
  • When you enter the calling party number, Genesys Cloud validates the number you enter here to ensure that it follows the E.164 number format. The country defaults to the organization's selected language.
  • The maximum alerting time is 59 seconds and the minimum is 7 seconds. When an alert times out, the agent's status changes to Not Responding and the system returns the call to the queue.
  • If you do not select an in-queue flow, the system uses the organization's default in-queue flow. However, within Architect you can configure an in-queue flow as a parameter of the Transfer to ACD action. This process supersedes the organization's default and queue-configured flow. In this case, the Transfer to ACD action's in-queue flow takes precedence over the flow you select here.
  • Best practice recommends that you limit whisper audio prompts to the shortest duration possible. Two-way communication between the dialed party and the agent does not commence until the whisper audio finishes playing.
  • To use voice transcription for the queue, an administrator must enable voice transcription for the organization. For more information, see the Enable voice transcription section in Speech and text analytics.
  • To use audio monitoring for the queue, an administrator must enable the AudioHook integration for the organization. For more information, see Install AudioHook Monitor from Genesys AppFoundry.

Configure voice channels

  1. Enter the service level percentages and targets for the voice channel.
  2. (Optional) Use alphabetical, numeric, or alphanumeric combinations to set up the caller ID display for outbound calls placed on behalf of this queue:
    1. Under Calling Party Name, type the name you want to display for the call recipient.
    2. Under Calling Party Number, type the alphanumeric combination you want to display for the call recipient.
  3. Under Alerting Timeout, enter the number of seconds for an alert to display before timing out.
  4. (Optional) Under In-Queue Flow, select a previously defined Architect in-queue flow to set as the standard behavior for the queue.
    1. (Optional) Under Default Script, select a published script to display when no default script appears in the application, for example, Architect or Campaigns.
    2. (Optional) Under Whisper Audio, set up options that let an agent know before connecting to the caller as to which queue the caller entered:
      1. To play whisper audio only for agents who have auto-answer enabled by the administrator, select Only play whisper audio if agent is configured for auto-answer. If no whisper prompt is configured on the queue or in the Architect flow and auto-answer is enabled, an audio tone plays. For more information about how to enable auto-answer for agents, see the Phone tab in Edit user configuration data.
      2. To play whisper audio for all agents, select Play whisper audio for all agents.
      3. Under Whisper Prompt, use search to locate the Architect user prompt you want to use for whisper audio. The system displays the length of the prompt, in seconds, for each configured language or any configured text-to-speech.
        Note: You can edit the default whisper audio or upload a different audio of your choice. For more information, see Modify the default whisper prompt
      4. To open the selected prompt, click Edit/View Prompt. Architect opens the User Prompts page, where you can view and edit the prompt; for example, re-record the audio prompt or add text-to-speech.
      5. If you chose to edit the prompt, click Refresh Prompt to review updated information about it.
    3. To allow voice recording while the caller is waiting in the queue, enable Continue voice recording during queue wait. When you disable this option, recording is suppressed during the wait time; recording resumes when the interaction with an agent begins. In addition to this configuration, to allow voice recording at the queue level, you must enable voice recording on the trunk. 
    4. (Optional) Enable Voice Transcription.
      Note: When the Continue voice recording during queue wait option is disabled and the Voice Transcription option is enabled, voice transcription is enabled only during the conversation between the agent and the caller.
    5. (Optional) Enable Audio Monitoring. Use this feature to send queue audio to configured AudioHook Monitor integrations.
      Note: When the Continue voice recording during queue wait option is disabled and the Audio Monitoring option is enabled, audio monitoring is enabled only during the conversation between the agent and the caller.
    6. To set custom hold music when the agent puts the call on hold, under Hold Audio, use search to locate the Architect user prompt you want to use for hold audio. This overrides the music that is set at organization level. 
      Note: When an agent transfers the call to a different queue, Genesys Cloud activates the music set on the destination queue.  
    7. Click Save.

    Chat and message channels

    Before you set email and channel behavior and thresholds, review these considerations:

    • When an alert times out, the agent’s status changes to Not Responding.
    • Outbound channels only: If the SMS number that you assign is not associated to a flow in Message Routing, then the system does not route inbound responses. For more information, see Message routing overview.

    Configure chat and message channels

    1. Under Service Level, use the slider to select the service level percentages for this channel.
    2. Under Service Level Target (Seconds), enter the service level target, in seconds, for this channel.
    3. Enable Auto answer to automatically connect the interactions of this digital channel to the agent. An alerting timeout to the incoming interactions is not applicable in this case and therefore the option is not available to be set. However, agents receive an audio alert when a new interaction is connected. For more information about how an individual channel-level setting works, see Auto answer incoming interactions.
    4. Under Alerting Timeout (Seconds), enter the number of seconds for an alert to display before timing out.
    5. Under Default Script, optionally select a published script to load.
    6. (Optional) Message channels only: In the In-Queue Message Flow area, select a previously defined Architect in-queue message flow to set as the standard behavior for the queue.
    7. To allow agents to send an outbound message on behalf of the queue, configure the required channel below:
      1. Outbound message channels: Under Outbound SMS Number, select the appropriate SMS number to assign to the message channel.
      2. Outbound WhatsApp message: Under Outbound WhatsApp Integration, select the WhatsApp integration to assign to the message channel. For more information about how to set up a WhatsApp integration, see Work with Embedded Signup Flow.
      3. Outbound message channels: Under Outbound Open Messaging Integration, select the Open Messaging integration to assign to the message channel.
    8. Click Save.

    Email channels

    Before you set email channel behavior and thresholds, review this consideration:

    • When an alert times out, the agent’s status changes to Not Responding.

    Configure email channels

    1. Under Service Level, use the slider to select the service level percentages for this channel.
    2. Under Service Level Target (Seconds), enter the service level target, in seconds, for this channel.
    3. Enable Auto answer to automatically connect the interactions of this digital channel to the agent. An alerting timeout to the incoming interactions is not applicable in this case and therefore the option is not available to be set. However, agents receive an audio alert when a new interaction is connected. For more information about how an individual channel-level setting works, see Auto answer incoming interactions.
    4. Under Alerting Timeout (Seconds), enter the number of seconds for an alert to display before timing out.
    5. Under Outbound Email Address, specify which email address to use for emails sent from this queue: 
      1. Under Outbound Email Address, select the appropriate email address the recipient sees when receiving the outbound email.
      2. Under Email Domain, select the appropriate domain from which to send the email address.
    6. (Optional) Under In-Queue Email Flow, select a previously defined Architect in-queue email flow to set as the standard behavior for the queue.
    7. (Optional) Under Default Script, select a published script to display for email interactions. 
    8. Click Save.

    Callback channels

    Before you set callback channel behavior and thresholds, review these considerations:

    • By default, Genesys Cloud connects the agent first and then dials the customer. You can also configure a customer-first callback wherein the system places a callback to the customer and routes the call to the agent only if the customer answers the callback. The agent then receives the callback as an ACD incoming voice interaction.
    • When an alert times out, the agent’s status changes to Not Responding.
    • When an agent takes ownership of a callback, the callback waits for the agent to become available for time configured in Agents can own a scheduled callback for. When an agent does not own a callback, it automatically routes to the next available agent if the scheduling agent is not available at the scheduled time. For agent-owned callbacks to take effect, there must be at least one Preferred Agent Routing rule set on the queue. Agents can own a scheduled callback only in an Agent First callback scenario.
    • The Agents can schedule a callback in advance for setting does not affect how far in advance non-owned callbacks can be scheduled. That value remains 30 days and cannot be changed. 

    Configure callback channels

      1. Under Service Level, use the slider to select the service level percentages for this channel.
      2. Under Service Level Target (Seconds), enter the service level target, in seconds, for this channel.
      3. Under Callback Type, select who will receive the callback first:
        • Agent First: By default, all callbacks reach the agent first. The system dials the customer after an agent answers the callback.
        • Customer First: The system places all scheduled and in-queue callbacks when it reaches its Position in Queue. The system connects the call to the agent only after a customer answers the callback and the in-queue messages are played. Customer first callbacks avoid agents waiting for a customer to answer the call and ensures better agent utilization.
      4. Under Agents can schedule a callback in advance for, use the up and down arrows to define how far in advance agents can schedule their owned callbacks. The minimum time is one hour; the maximum is 30 days.
        Note: If an agent owns a callback and is not available after the ownership period expires, the callback is removed from the queue and is disconnected.
      5. Configure the callback setting based on the Callback Type you set. 

      1. To assign a callback to an agent automatically, enable Auto Answer. However, the callback is auto-dialed only if you enable Automatically start and end callbacks.
      2. Under Alerting Timeout (Seconds), enter the number of seconds for an alert to display before timing out.
      3. (Optional) Set Allow Agents to Take Ownership to On.
      4. If you enable agents to take ownership of callbacks, do the following:
        1. Under Agents can own a scheduled callback for, use the up and down arrows to define how long the ownership period lasts. The minimum time is one hour; the maximum is seven days.
        2. To allow Genesys Cloud to begin and end callbacks automatically, follow these steps:
          1. Enable Automatically start and end callbacks. For the callbacks to start and end automatically, you must also enable the Enforce Communication Level After Call Work (ACW). For more information, see Enable communication level after call work.
            Note: Automatic callback does not apply to ACD voicemails. Agents must manually start and end the calls.
          2. Under the Callbacks will automatically dial after, set the duration within which the call begins. After the callback is assigned, if the agent does not begin the call manually, Genesys Cloud starts the callback at the expiry of set time.
          3. Under the Dispositioned callbacks will automatically end after, set the duration after which the call ends. After the call ends, if the agent does not end the callback manually, Genesys Cloud automatically ends the callback at the expiry of the set time. Depending on the ACW option set, the callback timer begins after the ACW time ends.
      5. Click Save.

      1. Under Live Voice, set one of the following options:
        1. To use the Architect in-queue flow that you set on the Voice tab, select Transfer to Queue.
        2. To configure the inbound flow with a customized callback message and options for the recipient, select Transfer to Flow. Then, under Select Flow, choose an Architect inbound flow to run before Genesys Cloud connects the interaction to the agent.
      2. Under Answering Machine, set one of the following options:
        • To play a prerecorded message to the customer, select Transfer to Flow and then under Select Flow, choose an Architect inbound flow.
        • To end the callback interaction, select Hangup.

          For all other call progress outcomes, Genesys Cloud dispositions the call with the outcome code and does not retry unsuccessful outcomes. For more information about in-queue and inbound flows, see Create a flow.

      3. Under Pacing Modifier, enter a modifier value for the system to derive the number of callbacks to place at a time.
        • The number of callbacks that the system dials is a combination of the pacing modifier and the number of online agents. 
        • The system checks the number of agents that are online and does not consider the agent status.
        • The number of callbacks at a time is directly proportional to the value of the pacing modifier. The higher the value of the pacing modifier, the higher the number of callbacks.
        • If the pacing modifier is set to 10, the system places one callback per agent. If the value is set to 1, the system places one callback per 50 agents.
        • The maximum value that you can set is 10.
      4. Click Save.