Send Notification action

To configure and send an automated notification to Genesys Cloud users, use the Send Notification action in workflows. Drag a Send Notification action from the toolbox into the appropriate location in the task editor. The ability to notify automatically can be an especially useful feature. For example, users of workforce engagement management can use the Send Notification action to notify a contact center supervisor when they have completed or released an agent evaluation.

Note: You can only send a notification with the Send Notification action to a maximum of 50 recipients.
Name Description
Name field Type a distinctive name for the action. The label you enter here becomes the action’s name displayed in the task sequence.
Notification Type The type of notification that Genesys Cloud sends. The default setting is email.
Notification Subject

Enter the subject of the notification.

  • To create a simple notification subject, select Literal and enter the notification string.
  • To create a more complex notification subject using expressions, select Expression and click to open the large expression editor. The Edit ‘Notification Subject’ expression dialog box opens.
  • To create more complex notification sequences using any combination of data, expressions, prompts, and text elements, select String Builder. The String Builder dialog box opens.

If you supply a NOT_SET string value, or select the ‘No Subject’ option, Genesys Cloud uses a blank string as the notification subject. 

Notification Body

Enter the body content of the notification message as plain text, valid HTML, or as a string expression. 

  • To create a simple notification, select Literal and enter the notification string.
  • To create more complex notifications using expressions, select Expression and click to open the large expression editor. The Edit ‘Notification Body’ expression dialog box opens.
  • To create more complex notification sequences using any combination of data, expressions, prompts, and text elements, select String Builder. The String Builder dialog box opens.

If you supply a NOT_SET string value, or select the ‘No Body’ option, Genesys Cloud uses a blank string as the notification body. 

Note: To create the notification message body as HTML, set the Email Notification Style to HTML (‘html’).

Send to Users

Select the collection of users that you want to send the notification to. The collection must have at least one user. If you supply a NOT_SET string value for any user in the collection, Genesys Cloud ignores that user. 

Email Notification Style

Select the email format to use. You can choose between plain text and HTML.

Note: The default setting is plain. If the value you specify evaluates at runtime to a value other than plain or HTML, Genesys Cloud uses the default setting when sending the email.

Email From

Enter the email address to use as the sender of the email for an email notification. By default, Genesys Cloud uses the ‘no-reply@[region].com’ email address.


  • To override the default email address, use an expression similar to the following, replacing the email address with the appropriate address for this action:
  • The email domain must be a verified domain in Genesys Cloud. If the domain is not verified in Genesys Cloud, the Send Notification action takes the failure path.
Failure Outputs

These outputs allow the workflow author to map the results of any resulting errorType and errorMessage variables when the Send Notification action takes the failure path.

  • errorType: A nonempty string that contains the type or category of the error.
  • errorMessage: A non-localized failure message. The string can be empty or NOT_SET.

Note: Hover over the information icon  next to errorType to display the list of allowable errorType values.

Genesys Cloud checks failure path scenarios and if none of them are met, Genesys Cloud sends out the notification. You can use the following errorType values:

  • ActionInvocationLimitExceeded: If a workflow has successfully run the Send Notification Action three times, any subsequent invocations of the action take the failure path.
  • GeneralError: If the Genesys Cloud email service responds with an error when sending out the notification, the Send Notification action takes the failure path.
  • InvalidEmailFrom: If you provide an unverified Genesys Cloud domain in the ‘Email From’ field, the Send Notification action takes the failure path.
  • InvalidNotificationType: If the ‘Notification Type’ is not valid, the Send Notification action takes the failure path.
  • InvalidSubject: If you provide an invalid notification subject or body for the notification, the Send Notification action takes the failure path. 
  • InvalidUserCollection: If the collection of users contains more than 50 users, or the collection is empty or contains only users with a NOT_SET value, the Send Notification action takes the failure path.
  • SendNotificationActionDisabled: If the Send Notification action is disabled, the Send Notification action takes the failure path. The action can be disabled for an organization, for example, when the organization has a high email bounce or complaint rate related to the use of the Send Notification Action. In this case, a recommended corrective action is to review the email addresses of the users you specified within the Send To Users list and make sure that the addresses are valid.