Select a phone

  • Conversation > Call > Add permission (included in the Communicate – User role)

 To make and receive calls, select a phone from the Calls panel. You can also select and change your phone from User settings

Note: If you choose a different primary number on your profile than the work number assigned to you by an administrator, then incoming calls do not go to your selected phone. Incoming calls instead go to your primary number. You still use your selected phone to place outbound calls.

When you initially log in to Genesys Cloud for the first time, you do not have a selected phone. To indicate that you do not have a selected phone, Calls appears red to prompt you to select a phone. Similarly, if your selected phone becomes disassociated, Calls appears red.

To select a phone, do the following:

  1. From the sidebar, click Calls . The Calls panel appears.
  2. In the Calls panel, click Phone Details . The Phone Details panel opens.
  3. Under, Your device for calls, click Select phone .
  4. Begin to type the phone name in the Search box and select it from the list of suggestions.
    Note: Stand-alone phones do not appear in the suggestion list.
  5. (Optional) To cancel a phone selection, to the right of the phone name, click Menu down and click Deselect Phone.

  • If you do not know which phone to select or do not see your phone, contact your administrator.
  • For more information about how an administrator sets up phones, see Phones overview.

Deselect a phone

If you do not need to make or receive calls, you can deselect your phone.

To deselect a phone, do the following:

  1. From the sidebar, click Calls . The Calls panel appears.
  2. In the Calls panel, click Phone Details . The Phone Details panel opens.
  3. Under Your device for calls, click Select phone .
  4. From the list, click Deselect Phone.

Note: If you are an agent, your admin can make sure that you have a selected phone to go on queue. For more information, see How can I make sure that an agent goes off queue if they deselect their phone?