Screen pop in Genesys Cloud for Zendesk

Note: This article applies to Genesys Cloud for Zendesk.


  • Outbound > Contact > View permission

Screen pop functionality in Zendesk allows agents to see records based on pre-configured behavior. You can configure the integration to use a system or custom field as the phone number for screen pops. For more information, see Configure search in Zendesk.

Default screen pop behavior

A default screen pop presents a user record based on interaction attributes. The default screen pop behavior differs depending on the interaction type.

Important: For default screen pop behavior for Genesys Cloud web messaging interactions, see the Chat and Genesys Cloud web messaging interactions section.

By default, when an inbound call, callback, SMS, ACD voicemail, or WhatsApp interaction alerts, the integration searches all phone number fields in Zendesk for the caller ID (ANI) and screen pops based on the search results.

By default, when an inbound Facebook Messenger, LINE Messaging, or Twitter Direct Message message alerts, the integration searches Zendesk for the user name and screen pops based on search results.

Administrators can use the default settings or customize the screen pop behavior.

Note: If an incoming interaction is a conference call, then the integration does not perform a screen pop.

The integration can return a single match, no matches, or multiple matches.

  • Single match

    The integration pops the relevant ticket or user record.

  • No matches

    No screen pop occurs, but you receive a notification message.

  • Multiple matches

    You receive a notification message, indicating that there are multiple results.

    1. Answer the interaction.

      A dialog box appears that lists the contacts found in the search results.

    2. Select a contact from the list.

      If the integration finds more than 25 contacts, then narrow the search results by entering more information, such as a name, in the Search box.

      You can also return results that are not based on the phone number of the incoming interaction. Clear the phone number box and search for any information, such as a name, phone number, email address, or organization name.

      Note: Zendesk searches phone numbers for the exact number that you enter. For example, the number 5550123 returns different results than 15550123.

    3. Click Select.

      A screen pop occurs for the contact that you selected.

By default, when a chat or Genesys Cloud web messaging interaction alerts, the integration does not screen pop a page. However, administrators can configure screen pop behavior for chat and Genesys Cloud web messaging interactions.

By default, when an email interaction alerts, the integration searches for the email address in Zendesk and screen pops based on the search results. Administrators can use the default settings or customize the screen pop behavior.

If the integration finds a single match, then the integration pops the relevant ticket or user record. If the integration finds no match, then no screen pop occurs, but you receive a notification message.

Screen pop configuration

Administrators can customize the screen pop behavior for inbound call, chat, email, message, and ACD voicemail interactions. Screen pop configuration allows for popping to existing tickets, new tickets, or specific user records. The process for configuring screen pops differs depending on the interaction type.

The integration uses the ZD_SearchType and ZD_SearchValue custom attributes to screen pop a specific Zendesk page for inbound calls, callbacks, emails, messages (including Genesys Cloud web messaging), and ACD voicemails. By setting up a flow in Architect, you can pop a ticket or user record, or pop a new ticket with pre-populated data from an Architect flow. 

Note: The integration does not alter permissions within Zendesk. If a user does not have permission to view a particular record, a screen pop to that record fails. For information on permissions, see the Understanding and setting light agent permissions in the Zendesk documentation.

This procedure relies heavily on Architect configuration and only describes high-level steps. For more information, see Architect overview, Create a new flow, Set Participant Data action, and Add a Set Participant Data action to a task.

The examples screen pop a Zendesk page for inbound call interactions.

Note: You can follow the same steps for callbacks, emails, messages (including Genesys Cloud web messaging), and ACD voicemails. For emails and messages, create and publish Inbound Email or Inbound Messages flows instead of inbound call flows.

  1. In Architect, create an inbound call flow.
  2. Add a task with Set Participant Data as the action.
    1. In the Attribute Name 1 box, type ZD_SearchType.
    2. In the Value To Assign 1 box, type TICKET to pop a ticket record.
  3. Click Add attribute to set.
    1. In the Attribute Name 2 box, type ZD_SearchValue.
    2. In the Value to Assign 2 box, type the ticket ID of the record that you want to pop. 

      Note: The information used to set the second attribute on the call could come from multiple different places: data dip, caller data entry, workgroup information, or a combination of other attributes.

  4. Add a Transfer to ACD action to the flow. 
  5. Select the Queue to receive this call.
  6. Click Publish .

When a call alerts, a ticket pops based on the attribute name and value set in the call flow. 

  1. In Architect, create an inbound call flow.
  2. Add a task with Set Participant Data as the action.
    1. In the Attribute Name 1 box, type ZD_SearchType.
    2. In the Value To Assign 1 box, type CONTACT to pop a user record.
  3. Click Add attribute to set.
    1. In the Attribute Name 2 box, type ZD_SearchValue.
    2. In the Value to Assign 2 box, type the user ID of the record that you want to pop. 

      Note: The information used to set the second attribute on the call could come from multiple different places: data dip, caller data entry, workgroup information, or a combination of other attributes.

  4. Add a Transfer to ACD action to the flow. 
  5. Select the Queue to receive this call.
  6. Click Publish .

When a call alerts, a user record pops based on the attribute name and value set in the call flow. 

  1. In Architect, create an inbound call flow.
  2. Add a task with Set Participant Data as the action.
    1. In the Attribute Name 1 box, type ZD_SearchType.
    2. In the Value To Assign 1 box, type TICKET to pop a ticket.
  3. Click Add attribute to set.
    1. In the Attribute Name 2 box, type ZD_SearchValue.
    2. In the Value to Assign 2 box, type NEW
  4. Add a Transfer to ACD action to the flow. 
  5. Select the Queue to receive this call.
  6. Click Publish .

When a call alerts, a new ticket pops based on the attribute name and value set in the call flow.

A new ticket only pops for the first agent who receives the interaction alert. If the first agent does not answer the interaction, the new ticket is forwarded another agent in the queue. 

Note: New tickets are not created each time the interaction alerts to subsequent agents in the queue. 

The integration uses the ZD_SearchType and ZD_SearchValue custom attributes to screen pop a specific Zendesk page. The screen pop could be a ticket, a user record, or a new ticket with pre-populated data from the chat widget. 

Note: The integration does not alter permissions within Zendesk. If a user does not have permission to view a particular record, a screen pop to that record fails. For information on permissions, see the Understanding and setting light agent permissions in the Zendesk documentation.

You can add the ZD_SearchType and ZD_SearchValue custom attributes to the underlying code for your chat widget or associate them with a box in your chat widget. Set the custom attributes as follows:

Item to screen pop Custom attribute Custom attribute value
User record ZD_SearchType CONTACT
ZD_SearchValue {user ID}
Ticket ZD_SearchType TICKET
ZD_SearchValue {ticket ID}
New Ticket ZD_SearchType TICKET
ZD_SearchValue NEW

The information used to set ZD_SearchValue could come from different places: data dip, chat data entry, workgroup information, or a combination of other attributes. 

A new ticket only pops for the first agent who receives the interaction alert. If the first agent does not answer the interaction, the new ticket is forwarded to another agent in the queue.

For example, to screen pop a user record, associate the custom attributes with name boxes in your chat widget. Set ZD_SearchType to CONTACT and set ZD_SearchValue to the user ID for the user record that you want to screen pop. When a customer inputs a name in the chat widget, the custom attributes screen pop a user record for the customer.

Click image to enlarge.Screen pop user record for chats with Genesys Cloud for Zendesk

For more information about adding custom attributes to a chat widget, see Web chat (Genesys Cloud Developer Center). 

For more information about the integration, see About Genesys Cloud for Zendesk.