Prompt data type

The prompt data type can be a useful tool in helping flow authors easily obtain details about a prompt. Use prompt data types for single and collection values for the operators listed in this table:

Function or operator Description
== Comparison operator that returns a Boolean value indicating whether two values are equal.
!= Inequality operator that returns a Boolean value indicating whether two values are not equal.
[] Square brackets for collection access that return an item at a fixed or specified index in a collection.
. Property accessor.
AreEqual Comparison operator that checks whether all arguments are equal.
IsSet Determines whether a value is set by testing to see if it is not equal to NOT_SET.
IsNotSetOrEmpty Determines whether a value is NOT_SET or empty.
GetAt Gets an item at a specified index in a collection.
Count Gets the number of items in a collection.
Find Finds all occurrences of an item in a collection and returns an Integer collection of indexes where that item exists. If the system does not find the item, it returns an empty Integer collection.
FindFirst Finds the first occurrence of an item in a collection and returns an Integer indicating the index where that item exists. If the system does not find the item, it returns -1.
Property Description
id The prompt identifier.

The prompt name. For example, in Prompt.Welcome:

  • The Prompt. function is a prefix that Architect uses to specify that this is a prompt, and to distinguish it from a task, state, or flow.
  • The actual prompt name is Welcome.
textToSpeech The text to speech set on a prompt resource for the currently running language of the flow. It cannot be NOT_SET.
duration The duration of the successfully transcoded audio set on the prompt. It cannot be NOT_SET.