Manage data resources in the flow

Under Resources, select Data. The list of variable data appears in the Data section.

The Data section includes the following columns:

Column Description


View the variable category for the data resource. For example, string, currency, or collection.


View or manage a data resource. Click the data resource name for details.

  • If the resource is read-only, the View dialog box opens. In this view, you can see details such as the name, accessibility, initial values, and usage location.
  • If the resource is not read-only, the Edit dialog box opens. Here, update the resource name, configure accessibility and initial values, or navigate to the appropriate usage location.


View where the data appears.


View whether the data is an input or output variable.


If the flow consumes secure data, a key icon appears in the secure variable names and actions shown in the task editor. The system represents the use of secure data by the key icon that precedes the name of the flow: Secure data


Click the link that indicates the place or number of places where the resource appears within the flow. To navigate to the area of the flow in which the resource exists, do the following:

  1. To open the Usages dialog box, click the usage link.
  2. In the Location column, click the appropriate link associated with the resource.


View detailed information about the data resource.

Filter data by accessibility

Enter the first few letters of the data resource you want to find. Architect filters the list by your selection.

You can add, filter, or delete variables.

Add a variable

  1. Under Add Variable, select the type of variable to add.
  2. In the Enter variable name box, type the name to associate with the variable.
  3. Click Create. The variable appears in the table.
  4. To edit the variable values, click the variable name. The Edit Variable dialog box opens. For more information, see Manage a variable.

Filter data by accessibility

  • Under Filter data by accessibility, select the name of the process by which to sort variables in the table.

Delete an unused variable

  • If an email, message, or survey invite variable is not in use, or is an unpublished output variable, you can delete it. Click  next to the variable you want to remove.