Install or upgrade the Genesys Cloud for Salesforce managed package

Note: This article applies to Genesys Cloud for Salesforce.

The managed package contains all the installation components that are necessary to run Genesys Cloud for Salesforce: the CTI, custom Salesforce code for interaction log functionality, the call center definition configuration, and a user configuration utility.

Warning: Do not change the default values in the call center definition unless directed to change them by Customer Care.
  1. Download the managed package from the Salesforce AppExchange, either for a production or testing environment.
  2. During the first step of the installation, click Install for All Users or Install for Specific Profiles.
    • If you click Install for Admins only, non-administrators (including agents) may experience degraded performance.
    • If you plan to embed scripts or other channel windows (such as email or chat), then grant profiles that are associated with Genesys Cloud for Salesforce access to “purecloud.PureCloudScriptConsoleComponent” under Enable Visualforce Page Access.

    For more information on the options and their implications, see Installing a Package in the Salesforce documentation.

  3. Follow the on-screen instructions for installation.
    • If the upgrade included changes to the call center definition, configure the new definition and assign users who were associated with the old definition to the new definition. Then delete the old call center definition. For more information, see Set up a call center in Salesforce.

For more information about the integration, see About Genesys Cloud for Salesforce.