Gender specification in audio sequences

Architect provides gender specification for supported languages in audio playback of prompt content. When a number must be played back in a specific gender context, Architect contains parameters that allow the flow author to specify how TTS plays the content back to the caller at runtime. Valid gender categories are:

  • Common: Indicates a common gender value
  • Feminine: Indicates a feminine gender value
  • Masculine: Indicates a masculine gender value
  • Neuter: Indicates a neuter gender value

Configure these settings for data values when you create an audio sequence. In the Edit Audio Sequence dialog box, when you select a data element for which grammatical gender applies, the dialog box changes to include a gender selection list. The following table describes situations that apply to gender classification settings:

Audio Sequence language Gender classification list Architect behavior
Main sequence Gender classification list appears, whether the main sequence language requires it or not If gender classifications are not required for the Main Sequence language, Architect ignores configured settings.
Alternate sequence for a language that requires gender classification Gender classification list appears Architect follows configured gender classification settings for the language’s alternate sequence
Alternate sequence for a language that does not require gender classification Gender classification list does not appear Not applicable

In an expression, a flow author can specify gender or case as appropriate for a language using Enum values from the built-in Language variables, such as Language.Gender or Language.Case. Function overloads that support language context can be found in Architect Expression Help.

Flow types excluding bot flows

In the audio sequence editor, if language context settings that apply to a particular piece of data playback are available, they appear as an option in the Edit Audio Sequence dialog box. For an example, click to expand the following section:

Gender selection in audio sequences

In this example, when configuring the Data element for the French Canada (fr-ca) value, the gender list appears.

If you select the Main Sequence, which in this case is English (en-US), the gender list for the same Data element value appears, but because gender settings are not required for this language, Architect ignores any configured settings.

Finally, if you select to enable an alternate sequence for a language that does not require gender classifications (other than the Main Sequence), this option does not appear. 

Bot flows

Administrators and contact center managers can use functionality in Genesys Dialog Engine Bot Flows to alter text-to-speech (TTS) playback by incorporating Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML) support. This option ensures that customers hear the correct language variation in TTS playback; for example, masculine or feminine. Use gender settings within a Communicate action in languages that support it. This option enables you to control TTS playback.