Get Journey Sessions by Customer action

Predictive Engagement allows you to track users as they interact with your website. You can use action maps to design engagements that enhance each user’s personal experience and help you achieve your business outcomes. For more information, see Prepare Architect components.

In Architect, use the Get Journey Sessions by Customer action to retrieve a list of current and previous sessions for a given customer ID and ID type, and then store it in a variable to use within the workflow.

Name Description
Name field Type a distinctive name for the action. The label you enter here becomes the action’s name displayed in the call flow structure.
Customer ID Enter a literal value or expression in the Customer ID field. Architect creates a variable for use with the Customer ID field. Use ToString to convert an expression from an integer to a string variable. The minimum length is 36.
Customer ID Type Enter a literal value or expression in the Customer Session ID field. Architect creates a variable for use with the Journey Customer ID field. The minimum length is 1, and the maximum length is 256. The customer ID type is typically “cookie.”
Journey Session Result Type a name for the variable to store the journey session found in this action. To reference this variable in the rest of the flow, type State.<variable name>. For example, if the variable name is Customer Journey, to reference the variable throughout the flow, type State.CustomerJourney at the appropriate location.

Configure found and not found paths

Name Description

This path indicates that Architect located the journey session within the organization. 

Drag the appropriate action below the Found path so that it follows the route you want the interaction to take. For example, a play audio action.

Not Found

This path indicates that Architect did not find the matching journey session ID. Drag the appropriate action below the Not Found path so that it follows the route you want the interaction to take. For example, an End Workflow action.