Genesys Cloud self-support

Resource Center

For self-support, open the Resource Center directly on a browser or access the Help menu.

To access the Help menu, click Help icon Help in the lower left corner of Genesys Cloud. You can perform the following tasks:

  • To see information related to a task, clickHelp with this page iconHelp with this page
  • To search for information, clickSearch help icon Search help.
  • To view more help options, clickMore help icon More help.
    • To open the Resource Center home page and find what you need, click Resource Center.
    • To discover the Genesys Community, a place to connect with peers, share your expertise, and ask questions of your own, click Community.
    • To explore Genesys Beyond learning material, click Training.
    • To explore community, training, and product resources, click Knowledge Network.
    • To contact your organization’s designated recipient of technical and non-technical issues, click Contact Help Center.
    • To download Genesys Cloud for Mac and Windows, click Download Desktop Application.
    • To learn how Genesys Cloud handles your organization’s sensitive data, click Privacy Policy.
    • To learn what’s new in Genesys Cloud, click Release Notes
    • To check the Genesys Cloud version and read the terms and conditions, click About Genesys Cloud

Genesys Cloud e-learning

Sign up for a free Genesys Beyond account and then, after you receive access, go to the Genesys Beyond Getting Started page for further information.

Genesys Knowledge Network

Refer to the Genesys Knowledge Network, your all-in-one personalized access point for Genesys self-service resources.