Format a knowledge base V2 question and answer article

  • Genesys Cloud CX 1 Digital Add-on II, Genesys Cloud CX 2, Genesys Cloud CX 2 Digital, Genesys Cloud CX 3, or Genesys Cloud CX 3 Digital
  • Knowledge > All permissions
  • Analytics > Knowledge Aggregate > All permissions
  • Response Assets > Asset > All permissions (to upload images)

      You can perform general updates to your knowledge base article, such as change font style, change font size, change font color, change background color, change text emphasis, alignment, add bulleted or numbered lists. You can also customize your article to include rich media, tables, and more. These updates appear in your touchpoints. These sections describe how to perform various tasks to tailor your question and answer article for your audience.

      • Make sure that you create question and answer articles in the same language as the knowledge base.
      • Questions and answers must include a minimum of five characters.
      • The maximum size of article content or uploaded file size is 190 KB.
      • The maximum number of articles in a knowledge base is 15,000.
      • The maximum number of knowledge bases in a single organization is 500.
      • Hyperlinks cannot include an ampersand (&) in the construction of the string.
      • For more information about constraints, see Limits in the Developer Center. For more information about how to create an FAQ, see Knowledge workbench FAQ creation tips.

      Note: Functionality varies depending on the touchpoint that you choose. For more information, see Channel, bot, and touchpoint capabilities feature comparison.
      1. Click Admin
      2. Under Knowledge, click Articles.
      3. Create a new knowledge base or open an existing one.
      4. Open an existing question and answer article or create a new one.
      5. Add your article text.
      6. As appropriate, use these steps to format your article:
        1. To change the font style, position the cursor anywhere in the line or paragraph, click the arrow at the end of Paragraph, and choose from one of the following options:
          • Paragraph (default)
          • Heading 1–6
          • Preformatted
        2. To change the font size, click the arrow at the end of Medium and choose from one of these options:
          • XX-Small
          • X-Small
          • Small
          • Medium (default)
          • Large
          • X-Large
          • XX-Large
        3. To change the font color, click the arrow next to Text Color Text Color button and choose a font color.
        4. To add highlight to a word, phrase, or paragraph, click the arrow next to Background Color Background color button and choose a highlight color.
        5. To adjust the text emphasis, select from the formatting options in the toolbar:
          • Bold
          • Italic
          • Underline
          • Strikethrough
        6. To change the text of the alignment, position the cursor anywhere in the line or paragraph, click Alignment , and select an option:
          • Decrease indent
          • Increase indent
          • Align left
          • Align center
          • Align right
        7. To create bulleted lists, select the text for which you want to add bullet points and click Bullet List .
          Note: To change from the default disc style, click the arrow at the end of Bullet List and choose circle or square.
        8. To create numbered lists, select the text for which you want to add numbering and click Numbered Points .
          Note: To change from the default numbering style, click the arrow at the end of Numbered Points and choose lower alpha or lower Roman.

      Genesys Cloud supports the following image formats: .jpg, .jpeg, .png, and .gif.

      Insert image into knowledge article

      1. Click Image and do one of the following.
        • To select an existing image, follow these steps:
          1. Search for the image that you want to use.
          2. Click to select the image.
          3. Click Insert image.
        • To select a locally saved image, follow these steps:
          1. Click Browse for image.
          2. Drag and drop the image into the dialog box or click to search for the image that you save locally.
          3. Click Upload.
        • To select an image from a hyperlink URL, perform these steps:
          1. Click the down arrow next to Browse for image.
          2. Click Insert image from URL.
          3. Enter the URL that contains the image to add.
          4. Click Insert image.
      2. After you upload and insert an image, to link the image to a hyperlink URL, perform these steps:
        KB Create a URL for an image
        1. Double-click the inserted image.
        2. Click Create Hyperlink . The Create Hyperlink dialog box opens.
        3. In the Text to Display / Image URL box, perform one of these steps:
          • To display wording other than the URL string, enter the text to display to the customer.
          • To link the image, add the image URL.
        4. Under Link Type, select URL or E-mail.
        5. Under Target, leave the default setting unchanged.
          • For URL, the default is New tab.
          • For email, the default is Open e-mail provider.
        6. Under the URL, perform one of the following steps.
          Note: Currently, the only supported transfer protocol is https.
          • For URL, add the fully qualified URL string.
          • For email, type the complete email address.
        7. Click Create.

      Note: Functionality varies depending on the touchpoint that you choose. For more information, see Channel, bot, and touchpoint capabilities feature comparison.

      Add video URL to knowledge article

      1. Click Insert/Edit Media .
        • To upload a simple media file, on the General tab, perform these steps:
          1. Under Source, enter the URL that you want to embed into the answer.
          2. (Optional) adjust the width and height of the media file.
          3. To allow a participant to adjust the media file size, click Constrain proportions . The Constrain proportions changes.
        • To embed a media file, follow these steps:
          1. Click Embed.
          2. Under Paste your embed code below, add the entire code that you copy from an external source.
        • To perform advanced options, follow these steps:
          1. Click Advanced.
          2. Under Alternative source URL, add an alternate base URL. This option is helpful if you want to use a URL different from your primary domain name; for example, when the URL is long and unwieldy.
          3. Under Media poster, add the URL for the image that you want to display while a participant waits for media to set up.
      2. Click Save.

      You can add a URL, email address, or an article from the same knowledge base as a hyperlink in an article. You can also display these hyperlinks as text or as an image that you upload.

      Note: This option is only available for Knowledge Portal.

      Create a URL hyperlink.

      Create a URL as a hyperlink

      Create an email as a hyperlink

      Create an email address as a hyperlink

      Create a hyperlink from another article in the same knowledge base

      Create a link to another article

      1. Click Create Hyperlink . The Create Hyperlink dialog box opens.
      2. To create a URL hyperlink, follow these steps:
        1. Under Display Text, perform one of these steps:
          • Leave the Text option selected and to display wording other than the URL string, enter the text to display to the customer.
          • Click Image and either upload a new image, select an existing image, or add the image URL.
        2. Under URL, add the fully qualified URL string.
          Note: Currently, the only supported transfer protocol is https.
        3. Under Target, leave the default New tab setting unchanged.
      3. To create an email address as a hyperlink, follow these steps:
        1. Click the E-mail tab and perform one of these steps.
          • Leave the Text option selected and to display wording other than the email address, enter the text to display to the customer.
          • Click Image and either upload a new image or select an existing one.
        2. Under Email, type the complete email address.
        3. Under Action, leave the Open e-mail provider setting unchanged.
      4. To create a link to another article in the same knowledge base, follow these steps:
        1. Click the Article tab and perform one of these steps:
          • Leave the Text option selected and to display wording other than the article string, enter the text to display to the customer.
          • Click Image and either upload a new image or select an existing one.
        2. Under Article, search for and select the article that you want to link to in the current article.
        3. From the search results, select the appropriate answer.
        4. Under Variation, select the appropriate variation for which to provide this hyperlink.
      5. Click Create.

      Note: Some functionality is limited, depending on the touchpoint you choose. For example, tables in Messenger touchpoints are unsupported. For more information, see Channel, bot, and touchpoint capabilities feature comparison.
      1. Create a table:
        1. Click Table . The Table menu appears.
        2. Hover over Table and move your cursor over the grid until you highlight the number of columns and rows that you want.
      2. To configure the cell properties, select the cell or cells that you want to format, click Table Cell, and from the menu that appears, perform these steps:
        1. To configure the cell format, click Cell Properties. The Cell Properties dialog box opens.
          1. On the General tab, customize any of these options: 
            • Width
            • Height
            • Cell type (header or regular cell)
            • Scope (row, column, row group, or column group)
            • Horizontal align
            • Vertical align
          2. On the Advanced tab, configure these optional border settings:
            • Border width
            • Border style
            • Border outline color
            • Border background color
          3. Click Save.
        2. To merge cells, click Merge cells
        3. To split a cell, click Split cell.
      3. To set row properties, select the row or rows that you want to format, click Table  > Row, and from the menu that appears, follow these steps:
        1. To insert a row before the selection, click Insert row before.
        2. To insert a row after the selection, click Insert row after.
        3. To remove a row, click Delete row.
        4. To format row properties, click Row properties. The Row Properties dialog box opens.
          1. On the General tab, customize any of these options: 
            • Row type (header, body, or footer)
            • Alignment (left, center, or right)
            • Row height
          2. On the Advanced tab, configure these optional border settings:
            • Border style
            • Border outline color
            • Border background color
          3. Click Save.
        5. To cut a row and paste it elsewhere, click Cut row.
        6. To copy a row and insert a duplicate copy in another location, click Copy row.
        7. To paste a cut or copied row before the selection, click Paste row before.
        8. To paste a cut or copied row after the selection, click Paste row after.
      4. To set column properties, select the column or columns that you want to format, click Table  > Column, and from the menu that appears, follow these steps:
        1. To insert a column before the selection, click Insert column before.
        2. To insert a column after the selection, click Insert column after.
        3. To remove a column, click Delete column.
        4. To cut a column and paste it elsewhere, click Cut column.
        5. To copy a column and insert a duplicate copy in another location, click Copy column.
        6. To paste a cut or copied column before the selection, click Paste column before.
        7. To paste a cut or copied column after the selection, click Paste column after.
      5. To set properties for the entire table, click Table  > Table properties. The Table Properties dialog box opens.
        1. On the General tab, customize any of these options: 
          • Width
          • Height
          • Cell spacing
          • Cell padding
          • Border width
          • Table caption
          • Show table caption
          • Border Width
          • Alignment
        2. On the Advanced tab, configure these optional border settings:
          • Border style
          • Border outline color
          • Border background color
        3. Click Save.
        4. To remove the entire table, click Table  > Delete Table.

      • To save the article and continue working, click Save.
      • To save the article and close the knowledge base, click Save & Close.