Find User Prompt action

Use the Find User Prompt action to look up your user prompts by name and determine which prompts to play dynamically at runtime. 

  • The dynamic lookup limit for a unique type is 25.
  • Each lookup is unique, so multiple lookups for the same object in the flow only count as 1.
  • The total lookup limit per flow is 100.

From the Toolbox, expand the Find category and drag a Find User Prompt action into the appropriate location in the task editor.

Name Description
Name field Type a distinctive name for the action. The label you enter here becomes the action’s name displayed in the task sequence.
User Prompt Name Enter the user prompt name or an expression that locates the prompt. For example, Append(“greeting_”, If(IsNotSetOrEmpty(Flow.location), “default”, Flow.location)). At runtime, Architect performs a search for the specified user prompt. If the system finds an exact match, it returns the prompt value.
User Prompt Result

When the system receives the prompt value, it stores the value in the variable you specify here. You can then use the variable in other areas of the flow. 

Configure found and not found paths

Name Description

This path indicates that Architect located the user prompt within the organization. 

Drag the appropriate action below the Found path so that it follows the route you want the interaction to take. For example, a play audio action.

Note: The User Prompt Result field only populates when the flow follows the Found path.

Not Found

This path indicates that Architect did not find the matching user prompt. Drag the appropriate action below the Not Found path so that it follows the route you want the interaction to take. For example, a transfer to ACD action.

Note: The User Prompt Result field does not populate when the flow follows the Not Found path.