Enable communication level After Call Work and automatic callbacks

  • Admin role
  • Conversation > Settings > Edit permission
  • Conversation > Settings > View permission

Use the Communication Level After Call Work (ACW) setting to enforce ACW and automatic callback options at the communication level. This enables supervisors to gain more granular control over the time spent by agents in ACW to improve the overall KPI and productivity of the agents.

Ensure that you enable the option along with the corresponding options at the queue level. Once enabled, the following changes take effect:

  • After call work: Enables the specific ACW option set at the queue level. The ACW setting applies to all the channels including voice, chat, email, message, and callback, across all the ACW options, including time-boxed and agent requested options. The timed ACW timeout settings also extend to all digital interactions in addition to voice allowing administrators to control the agent experience for digital interactions. To configure after-call settings, see Configure after call work settings.
  • Automatically start and end callbacks: Allows Genesys Cloud to begin and end callbacks automatically when the agent does not begin or end callbacks manually.  To configure automatic callbacks, see Set channel behavior and thresholds

To enable ACW at the communication level for all the channels:

  1. Click Admin.
  2. Under Account Settings, click Organization Settings.
  3. Click the Settings tab.
  4. Under the Contact Center, enable Enforce Communication Level After Call Work (ACW).
  5. (Optional) To wrap up the interactions that are in ACW and don’t have a timeout when the agents log out or close the Genesys Cloud desktop app or web app, enable the End Interactions Automatically when Agents Logoff setting.
  6. Click Save.
    Note: When you use the Agent Requested option for ACW, ensure that the agents have the Conversation > Settings > View permission to view the Request After Call Work option in the call controls.