Email routing scenarios

  • Genesys Cloud CX 2, Genesys Cloud CX 2 Digital, Genesys Cloud CX 3, Genesys Cloud CX 3 Digital, or Genesys Cloud CX 1 Digital Add-on II license
  • Routing > Email > Manage permission

      Various configuration options exist for email routing. Administrators should select the method that best suits the organization’s need. This article provides instructions for the most common scenarios. For more information about email routing, see About ACD email routing.


      Send emails using your own domain and email addresses

      If you already have existing email addresses you want to use, choose one of these two options: 

      Option Description Instructions
      Register your domain with Genesys Cloud for email routing.

      To use your existing email domain and email addresses, verify your domain or subdomain in Genesys Cloud to handle your email routing. For example, the subdomain allows your customers to send email to Also, an agent can receive an email and draft a reply that is sent from

      Note: This option is best suited if the existing email addresses use a subdomain; for example,

      For detailed instructions on this process, see the Use the organization’s email domain name series.
      Register your domain with Genesys Cloud for email routing. Redirect inbound messages to the registered domain.

      (Advanced) Use this method to keep a copy of all inbound email messages in your own email system by redirecting messages to your registered email domain.

      Note: This option is best suited if your existing email addresses do not use a subdomain (for example,, or to keep copies of all incoming messages on your mail server.

      For detailed instructions on this process, see Register your domain and redirect inbound messages.

      Use the domain to receive and send emails

      To use mypurecloud domain to receive and send emails, choose one of these options: 

      Option Description Instructions
      Send and receive emails directly with the domain.

      Use this method to direct customer-sent email messages to the domain. Replies come from

      For detailed instructions on this process, see Send and receive emails directly with the domain.
      Send emails using the domain. Keep copies of received messages on your mail server.

      (Advanced) Use this method to keep a copy of all inbound email messages in your own email system.

      In your email system, create email redirect rules to send incoming email messages to the domain. Then, set up your Genesys Cloud domain and email addresses in Genesys Cloud Admin.

      For detailed instructions on this process, see Send emails using the domain and store copies of received messages.