Send and receive emails directly with the domain

Using this method, customers send email messages to the domain. Replies come from

  1. Click Admin.
  2. Under Contact Center, click Email. The Manage Domains page opens.
  3. Click Add Domain. The Add Domain dialog box opens.
  4. From the Domain Type list, select Genesys Cloud.
  5. In the Domain name box, type the email subdomain (for example, yourAccountName), which appends with
  6. Click SaveThe email address page opens for the new domain.
  7. To add email addresses to the domain, follow the instructions in the next section, Add email addresses to the domain.

  1. Click Add email address. The Add Email Address page opens.
  2. In the Email Address box, type the email address the customer uses to send an email.
  3. Under Email Routing, select to route emails to a queue or to a flow.
  4. If you chose to route to a queue, do the following:
    1. Click the Queue list and choose the desired queue.
    2. In the Skills box, optionally add any ACD skills to ensure that associated emails route to an agent with matching skills.
    3. Click the Language list and optionally choose a language to ensure that associated emails route to an agent with a matching language.
    4. In the Priority box, optionally enter the email’s priority, from 0 to 10.
  5. If you chose to route to a flow, click the Email Flow list and choose the desired flow.
  6. In the From Name box, optionally type the agent, department, or organization name that appears to the recipient when a representative responds to an email. 
  7. In the Reply To box, optionally type the email address that appears when an agent responds to an email. 
    Note: This address overrides the “Reply to” address the customer sees when replying to the original email.
  8. Click Save.
  9. To add extra email addresses, click Add Email Address and repeat steps 1–8.

Your company’s name is Initech. In Genesys Cloud, you set up the address Customers send email to that address and replies from agents have the reply-to address

In the Genesys Cloud domain configuration, set up the email address record as:

Option Example
Email Address
From Name Customer Support
Reply To (leave blank)

In replies, customers see:

From: Customer Support <>

Reply To: Customer Support <>