Genesys Cloud
Deprecation: Website-only web chat configuration

Announced on Effective date
2018-07-25 2018-12-12
Note: On October 24, 2018, Genesys changed the deprecation date from October 31, 2018 to December 5, 2018. On December 4, 2018, Genesys changed the deprecation date from December 5, 2018 to December 12, 2018.

On December 12, 2018, Genesys is removing the website-only method of web chat configuration. We recently released the deployment model that allows for web chat configuration from within the Genesys Cloud admin interface. This new method is more efficient and provides new options and capabilities. We ask that customers begin using the new web chat deployments when configuring web chat on their website. We will discontinue development and support of the website-only configuration option for web chat on December 5, 2018. Website-only configuration for web chat is available until the end of life date on December 5, 2018.


Am I affected?

This deprecation affects you if you already use the website-only method of web chat configuration. Between the announcement date and the removal of the feature, Genesys will no longer address bugs or minor issues specific to this configuration option. However; we will continue to resolve any major breakage until the end of life date. 

How can I prepare for this deprecation?

  1. Make sure that your role contains the Web Chat Deployment All permission. 
  2. Add a web chat widget deployment.
  3. Add the web chat deployment to your website. For more information, see Web chat in the Developer Center.
Note: If you do not complete the web chat deployment configuration on your website before December 12, 2018, web chat will no longer work.

Can I still route chats to multiple queues when I use web chat deployments?

Yes. The deprecation does not affect queue configuration. 

What if I need help or have questions?

Ask questions in the  Genesys Community by searching for the “Deprecation: Website-only web chat configuration” post or contact My Support.