Genesys Cloud Customer Care


Genesys Cloud Customer Care is focused on your experience through a global, live answer 7X24 Genesys Cloud Customer Care model. This article focuses on defining Severity levels, target Restoration and Resolution times, Root Cause Analysis, and the Genesys Cloud Customer Care Response Policy, which enables Genesys Cloud Customer Care to provide the customer with the most effective and efficient experience possible. 

Prerequisite: You must be a designated contact to contact Genesys Cloud Customer Care.

Become a Designated Contact by first reviewing the Customer areas of responsibility. Then go to the Customer Care log in page and select Get Started to request a My Support account and get access to our Genesys support tools. Allow 48 business hours to receive your credentials. 

For information about Genesys Cloud operational, system availability, and incident information, see

Note:  If you have a critical outage, please call for phone support.
Genesys Cloud Customer Care offering Cost Go
Resource Center, eLearning


Genesys Cloud Self-Support

My Support Web Portal 
License of Collaborate, Communicate, or Genesys Cloud CX 1, Genesys Cloud CX 2, Genesys Cloud CX 3, or Genesys Cloud CX 4

About the My Support Portal

Log in to My Support (core and satellite regions)

Log in to My Support (FedRAMP region)

Genesys Product Support Center

Phone Support
License of Collaborate, Communicate, or Genesys Cloud CX 1, Genesys Cloud CX 2, Genesys Cloud CX 3, or Genesys Cloud CX 4 Phone Numbers
United States-only Support Contact your Genesys representative for more details about this support model. Genesys Cloud United States-only Support
EEA-only Support Contact your Genesys representative for more details about this support model. Genesys Cloud EEA-only Support

Before you open a case from the My Support web portal, perform these steps:

  • Do some basic troubleshooting. See Troubleshooting before calling Customer Care.
  • Make sure that you understand which problems Genesys Cloud Customer Care is responsible for handling. See Customer areas of responsibility.
  • Gather the following:
    • Organization short name. Click Admin > Account Settings > Organization Settings
    • Organization ID. Click Admin > Account Settings > Organization Settings and click Advanced.
    • Conversation ID (How do I get this?)
    • Description of the issue and its business impact

Also note the following:

  • Include any other information to help us analyze your issue, such as configuration files, screenshots of errors, and console logging. 
  • Report each issue separately so it can be individually tracked to a successful resolution. For best results, avoid grouping issues together.
  • For resolution of Critical (Severity Level 1) issues, a Designated Contact must be available at all times to work with Genesys Cloud Customer Care.

Severity and Priority. “Severity” is defined as the impact an issue has on the Customer’s ability to conduct business.  Issue severity levels are defined below.  “Priority” is defined as the customer-designated level of importance.

Issue Severity Levels. The Severity levels assigned to an issue are defined as follows:

Issue severity Definition
1 - Critical impact (Code Red) Customer is experiencing a severe problem resulting in an inability to perform a critical business function. There is no workaround.
2 - High impact Customer is able to perform job functions but performance is degraded or limited.
3 - Medium impact Customer’s ability to perform job functions is largely unaffected, but noncritical functions or procedures are unusable or hard to use. A workaround is available.
4 - Low impact  The Genesys Cloud Service is available and operational; trivial impact to Customer’s business operations or Customer requires information or assistance on the Genesys Cloud Service capabilities or configuration.

Designated Contact. Customer must designate a primary contact, and at least one backup in the primary’s absence, to act as a primary liaison between Customer and the Genesys Cloud Service customer care team (the “Designated Contact”).  The Designated Contact must be knowledgeable about the Genesys Cloud Service and will participate in troubleshooting support cases.

Preliminary Troubleshooting. When a Customer becomes aware of an issue, prior to opening a support case with Genesys, the Designated Contact must perform reasonable basic troubleshooting and use best efforts to understand the Customer’s areas of responsibility, as described on Genesys’ support portal. 

Case Submission. Cases for all Severity levels, except Critical Impacting cases, may be raised by Customer by either phone or through the support portal.  Issues designated by Customer as Critical Impact must be raised by telephone through the applicable Genesys customer care number found on the support portal.  If a case has been submitted through the support portal and the business impact has increased to Critical Impact severity, Customer must request critical support for the case by telephone.  Submission of cases on the support portal will include the Customer name, Customer organization ID, and a description of the use and its business impact.  The Designated Contact will include any other information known by the Designated Contact that is reasonably helpful for Genesys to analyze the issue (example: environmental changes including network or firewall changes, new configurations, previous troubleshooting efforts, etc.).

Severity Assignment. Genesys’ customer care team prioritizes issues based on the severity level.  When a case is opened by Customer, Customer will identify a Priority based on the descriptions in the table above.  Customer’s Priority designation will be used as a factor by Genesys when defining the Severity of an issue.  The assigned Severity level for an issue may be mutually redetermined by both Genesys and Customer during the issue resolution process.  Both parties agree to act reasonably in making in such determination.

Target initial response times are based on the Severity level of each incident. The automated response received by Customer following submission of the case will not be deemed to be Genesys’ initial response.  The initial response is deemed to have been made when the issue has been assigned to the appropriate Genesys personnel, and Customer receives a human response (by phone or case notes message) from Genesys acknowledging the issue.  Genesys will use reasonable efforts to respond to issues in accordance with the table below:

Severity level Target initial response time
1 - Critical impact (Code Red)

Customer is experiencing a severe problem resulting in an inability to perform a critical business function. There is no workaround.

Response target: 10 min. (phone)

2 - High impact

Customer is able to perform job functions but performance is degraded or limited.

Response target: 2 hours (My Support)

3 - Medium impact

Customer’s ability to perform job functions is largely unaffected, but noncritical functions or procedures are unusable or hard to use. A workaround is available.

Response Target: 2 hours (My Support)

4 - Low impact

The Genesys Cloud Service is available and operational; trivial impact to Customer’s business operations or Customer requires information or assistance on the Genesys Cloud Service capabilities or configuration.

Response Target: 2 hours (My Support)

The objective of Genesys Cloud Customer Care is to restore functionality as quickly as possible. 

Time to restore is the amount of time a customer is impacted before functionality is restored. Time to restore targets is based on the assigned severity. 

Time to resolve is the amount of time it takes to resolve the root cause of an issue. 

Time to restore and time to resolve apply only to platform-level issues. Issues that impact a single customer are not platform level issues.

Platform-level target restoration times

Genesys Cloud Customer Care analysts strive to restore platform issue functionality within the following target restoration times.  

Severity level Restoration target
1 – Critical   4 hours
2 – High   2 business days
3 – Medium  5 business days
4 – Low  NA

Official Root Cause Analysis (RCA) for platform-level incidents

After service is restored for severity 1 platform-level incidents, Genesys strives to provide a comprehensive RCA document to affected customers within five business days. The RCA document will be shared within the open support cases related to the incident.

Note: Any incident that affects the Genesys Cloud Status page will have a platform RCA document.

Resolution Case Summary for non-platform-level incidents

For isolated severity 1 non-platform-level incidents, Genesys Cloud Customer Care provides an incident summary in addition to the normal updates. These incidents include, but are not limited to, BYOC (bring your own carrier) issues, Edge issues, configuration issues, station issues, and other isolated incidents not posted on the Genesys Cloud Status page.

These incidents are not eligible for an official RCA document. However, Genesys Cloud Customer Care provides a case summary that contains relevant information and updates. The summary includes a description of the problem, cause or findings, and restoration and/or corrective actions taken, if applicable.

If a case submitted to Product Support needs the engagement of Development, Cloud Operations, or a 3rd party, it may need more time to resolve pending their analysis and findings.

Criteria for escalations

The following criteria must be met for an escalation request to be approved.

  1. There must be an active case. There must be an existing case open before it can be escalated.
    Note: When a case is closed, the Escalate Case button is inactive. To reopen a case, do so through the Support Portal or contact Product Support.
  2. Double-check the case. Has there been a recent update to the case that you may have missed? Is Product Support waiting on more information from you before they can proceed?
  3. Do not request an escalation based on change in urgency or impact. If a case warrants a priority update to High due to greater urgency or wider impact, contact Product Support.
  4. An escalation should not be requested for RCA (Root Cause Analysis) for Cloud Platform outages unless Product Support has had 5 business days to complete analysis for cloud deployments, per our standard Service Level Targets for RCA delivery. For more information, see Welcome to Genesys Product Support Center.
    Note: After service is restored for severity 1 platform-level incidents, Genesys strives to provide a comprehensive RCA document to affected customers within five (5) business days.
  5. Escalations for high-priority cases need 24 hours since their last update, and the issue is actively causing significant business impact.
  6. Low-priority cases are not eligible for escalation.
    • To change a case to medium-priority, request the change in the work notes.
    • To change a case to high-priority, contact Product Support.

For more information about how to submit a case escalation, see Case Escalation Management Process in the Genesys Product Support Center.

To maintain a high quality of service and prioritize issues appropriately, Genesys Cloud Customer Care requires that all cases are actively worked on by the Designated Contact. Cases that have not been adequately responded to in three business days are subject to closure with advanced notice. Likewise, cases that are in Resolution Proposed status, with no reported issues, are closed at the end of the third business day.

Modified date

Updated the Severity levels and the Target initial response times sections to be consistent with the Genesys Cloud Service Level Agreement.


In the Criteria for escalation section, in step 4, updated the link to the Welcome to Genesys Product Support Center.


In the Criteria for escalation section, replaced the links to the PureConnect Direct Customer Handbook, PureConnect Partner Handbook, and Cloud CX Handbook with a link to the Welcome to Genesys Product Support Center page.


Internal change for documentation purposes only.


Changes made are as follows:

  • Fixed broken Designated Contact link in the Prerequisite section
  • Updated information in the Go column for My Support Web Portal 24x7x365 
  • Deleted the row for Genesys Cloud Customer Care (Japan)
  • Updated information in the Global case escalation management section