Get a conversation ID for Customer Care

  • Conversation > Communication > View 

If your problem relates to a call, then obtain the conversation ID, or interaction URL, before contacting Customer Care. Call-related problems include stuck calls, bad audio, failed transfers, and other issues with voice interactions. The following video shows how to get the Conversation ID with Genesys Cloud running in a browser:


To find and copy a conversation ID:

  1. Click Performance > Workspace.
  2. Click the Interactions view. 
  3. In the row that contains the interaction, click
  4. Click Copy Conversation ID.

Provide this ID number to Genesys Cloud Support when you open a ticket.

The following information is also useful:

  • Date and approximate time of interaction
  • Approximate duration
  • Phone number associated with the interaction
  • Inbound or outbound

For more information about troubleshooting, see Troubleshooting before calling Customer Care.