Coaching appointment notes

You can add notes to your coaching appointments. There are two types of notes: public and private.

Public notes

  • As an agent, facilitator, or creator you can add public notes to the coaching appointment. Notes have a time stamp and you can add a note at any time. 
  • You can edit and delete public notes.
  • Notes have a character limit of 10240 characters per message.

Private notes

  • As a creator or facilitator, you can add private notes to the coaching appointment. Private notes have a time stamp and you can add a note at any time. 
  • You can edit and delete private notes.
  • Agents cannot view private notes.

To make a coaching appointment note:

  1. Open the coaching appointment from your activity page.
  2. Select the Notes tab.
  3. Add, edit, and remove a note for other participants of the specific coaching session.
  4. Select the Only visible to organiser or facilitator option to limit who can add, edit, and remove a note.

    Click the image to enlarge.