Cloud to hybrid media overview

Converting your BYOC Cloud or Genesys Cloud Voice organization to a hybrid media organization is made possible by two key features and consists of a five main phases. The two key features are Hybrid Media Edge Groups and Site Links. The five phases consist of: 1) Making your organization hybrid media capable. 2) Pairing your new BYOC Premises Edges to Genesys Cloud. 3) Putting your Edges into the Hybrid Media Edge Group. 4) Configuring Edge interfaces to use Site Interconnects. 5) Enabling and configuring Site Links.

Note: While we are highlighting the five main phases here, there are other standard operations you must complete when setting up the BYOC Premises part of the hybrid media organization. We describe these standard operations in detail in the Convert BYOC Cloud/Genesys Cloud Voice to hybrid media article.

Enabling hybrid media

The first phase consists of adding BYOC Premises to your BYOC Cloud or Genesys Cloud Voice organization. When you do so, Genesys Cloud migrates your current organization to a hybrid media organization and activates the BYOC Premises telephony connection option.

At this point, several new components, including the key features, are added to your organization. These new components will not come into play until you perform the steps in the second, third, and fourth phases. Until you do so, your organization is hybrid media capable, but will continue to function as a standard BYOC Cloud or Genesys Cloud Voice organization.

For more information, see Make your organization hybrid media capable.

Pair your BYOC Premises Edges

The second phase involves pairing your BYOC Premises Edge devices with Genesys Cloud. The process that you use to pair your Edges with Genesys Cloud will depend on which BYOC Premises hardware solution you chose to use.

Put your Edges into the Genesys Cloud Hybrid Media Group

The third phase involves putting your Edges into the Genesys Cloud Hybrid Media Group. When you do so, it’s important to understand that you can only put one premises Edge into the group at a time.

Site Interconnects

The fourth phase involves specifying the network port interfaces on your premises Edges using the Site Interconnects feature. Under hybrid media, Site Interconnects allow Edges in various sites to communicate with each other. For each type of Site Interconnect that you want to enable, you select the interface that you want to use. There are three types of Site interconnects: Direct interface, Indirect interface, and Cloud Proxy interface. 

In the fifth phase, you enable and configure Site Links. Site Links connect core sites using the network port interfaces you specify on the Edge using the Site Interconnects feature. A core site is a site with either premises Edges attached to it or a site running cloud media services. For cloud media, there is a single core site called PureCloud Voice – AWS. 

Enabling Site Links establishes a connection between your premises core site and the cloud media core site. Once you enable Site Links, your premises core site has access to all the resources in the cloud core site. Likewise, the cloud core site has access to all the resources in the premises core site.

Note: In addition to core sites you may also have branch sites. Branch sites do not have Site Links between them and can be either premises sites with no Edges or cloud sites other than the PureCloud Voice – AWS site.