Change the retention days for Collaborate chat messages

  • Admin role
  • Chat > Setting > View
  • Chat > Setting > Edit

Collaborate chat messages are retained for a set number of days. You can change this retention period to any number of days from 10 to 3650. The default is 3650 days. This setting is retroactive and if changed will apply to all existing Collaborate chat messages.

  • The removal of messages begins after business hours on the day the retention period changes.
  • When the retention period reduces substantially, it takes up to a week to complete the removal of all messages dated outside the new period. 
  • ACD chat messages are not affected by this setting.
  • File attachments in chat messages are retained as per the organizational level retention policy set for chat messages.

To change the number of Collaborate chat message retention days for your org:

  1. Click Admin.
  2. Under Account Settings, click Organization Settings.
  3. Click Settings.
  4. Under Security & Compliance, set Chat Message Retention Days by entering the number of days to retain chat messages. You can enter any number of days from 10 to 3650.
  5. Click Save.