Approve or deny a shift trade

  • Genesys Cloud CX 2, Genesys Cloud CX 3, Genesys Cloud CX 4, Genesys Cloud CX 2 WEM Add-on I, Genesys Cloud CX 1 WEM Add-on II, or Genesys Cloud EX license
  • Workforce Management > Shift Trade Request > View
  • Workforce Management > Shift Trade Request > Edit

    To navigate to the Shift Trade view, perform one of the following steps:

    • In the Admin > Workforce Management, select Shift Trades.
    • From the workforce management menu in the left pane, under Scheduling, click Shift Trades. Click the image to enlarge.

    You can further filter and sort the shift trade requests by status. 

    Activity menu - Click Shift Trades

    The Shift Trades view displays the total number approved, denied, expired, canceled, or unmatched trade requests, and requests that require administrator review. View trade requests for the following range:

    • Two weeks in the past
    • Six weeks in the future

    View trade requests

    When a trade request requires administrator review and approval, a notification appears in your inbox. To view shift trade requests, perform one of the following steps:

    • From your inbox, click the request to open it in the Shift Trades view.
    • Click Admin. Under Workforce Management, click Shift Trades.

    Trade requests that require administrator review and approval appear in the Requests Needing Review row. To view these trade requests, click the number and then review and approve or deny them.

    To sort the list of requests, click the arrows on the column headings. The Shift Trades view contains the following columns:

    Status Description
    Initiating Agent The agent that created the initial unmatched trade request.
    Receiving Agent The agent that accepted a matched trade.
    Receiving Agent Paid When a match is successful, this column shows the paid difference for the receiving agent.
    Initiating Agent Paid When a match is successful, this column shows the paid difference for the initiating agent.
    Initiating Agent Shift The schedule that the initiating agent wants to trade.
    Receiving Agent Shift The schedule that the receiving agent trades after accepting the initiating agent’s trade request.
    Status Status values include approved, expired, needs review, denied, canceled, and not matched. 

    Status Description
    Needs review The trade request has a valid match, but it requires that an administrator review and approve or deny it.
    Approved An administrator approved the trade request, or the system automatically approved it, and the shift trade is complete.
    Denied The trade request and all pending matches are unapproved, and no other agents can see it.

    A trade request can expire for any of the following reasons:

    • No receiving agent chose to accept and trade the shift.
    • The trade request is invalid, and a trade cannot occur within the specified time.
    • The trade has an expiration time specified by the offering agent. 
    • The specified start time occurs in a future time that is less than the specified number of hours for trade requests.
    • No start times that the offering agent is willing to work is at least the specified number of hours in the future. 
    Canceled The initiating agent canceled the trade request, and all pending matches are invalid.
    Not Matched The initial state for a trade request. As of the current viewing session, no receiving agent accepted this trade. A request is unmatched if it does not have any associated matches.

    Approve or deny the shift trade

    When Enable Automatic Review is on, the system sends a notification for approved trade requests to the initiating and receiving agents’ Inbox. For denied requests, the system sends a notification to the initiating agent’s Inbox.

    When Enable Automatic Review is off and an administrator approves a trade request, the administrator, the initiating agent, and the receiving agent receive an inbox notification. For denied requests, the administrator and the initiating agent receive a notification in their Inbox.

    The Approve and Deny functions only appear if a trade requires administrator review. To approve or deny the shift trade, perform the following steps:

    1. Click the Admin menu.
    2. Under Workforce Management, click Shift Trades.
    3. Next to Select Week, choose the week that contains shift trades to review.
    4. To approve or deny shift trades that require administrator review, do the following:
      1. Select one or more shift trades with the status of Needs Review
      2. Depending on your decision, click Approve or Deny