Add people with .csv file import


The following permissions assigned to any user role:

  • Directory > User > All
  • Authorization > Role > View

You can use a .csv file to add people and information in bulk to your organization. Information about the people you add to your organization must be in a .csv file.

Genesys recommends that you export the .csv from a spreadsheet instead of composing .csv using a plain text editor. When the spreadsheet saves a .csv file, it automatically inserts required quotes and commas. This process is less error prone than formatting records manually.

  • The validation process does not catch spelling errors or extra spaces. These issues can cause duplicate role creation. As a best practice, ensure you format and proofread your .csv file before you import it. 
  • The .csv file requires name and email. All other data is optional.
  • The skills category is valid only for skills, not languages.
  • The data in the .csv file must be in the following order:
  • Queue names are comma-separated; however an actual queue name cannot contain a comma.
  • Spell roles exactly as they appear in the Roles/Permissions page.
  • If the .csv file includes empty “extension”, “title” or “department” columns, the blank fields override existing fields in Genesys Cloud.
  • If the .csv file includes empty “phone_work”, “email_manager”, “location_work”, “roles_divisions”, “queues”, “division”, or “skills” columns, the blank fields do not override existing fields in Genesys Cloud.
  • During the import process, Genesys Cloud automatically adds new locations in the .csv file to the organization.
  • When you update existing users with a .csv import, Genesys Cloud adds roles and queues but does not replace or remove them. 
  • To upload Skills with Proficiency via the .csv, add the skill and proficiency, separated by a colon. Separate multiple skills by a comma. For example, Skill1:5,Skill2:3,Skill3:1 and so on.
  • If you include new skills in the .csv file, Genesys Cloud replaces existing skills with the new ones.

For example:

"Gene Hamilton","","919-555-1234","3324","Sales associate","Sales","","Durham, NC","admin,Communicate User","Inside Sales","Home","Replacement Parts"
"Lisa Greenjeans","","317-555-6789","268","Contact Agent","Technical Support","","Indianapolis, IN","Genesys Cloud User","Customer Support","East Coast","Warranty"

Import a .csv file with double-byte characters

If the .csv file contains double-byte characters for languages like Japanese or Chinese, save the file in Unicode or UTF-8 format. For more information, see Create a .csv file in Unicode or UTF-8 format.

Bulk import people into your organization

  1. Click Admin. Under People and Permissions, click People and click Bulk Import.
  2. Click Browse and select the .csv file with your people data.
    Note: If you use Active Directory within your organization, click to set up a connector and sync your people automatically. For more information, see Configure Azure Active Directory for Genesys Cloud SCIM (Identity Management).
  3. To send invites automatically after adding people, select Send invite automatically.
  4. Under Import Preview, review the data.
  5. Click Start Import.
    Note: As Genesys Cloud imports the people to your organization, a status bar indicates the progress:
    • Creating People
    • Associating Managers
    • Creating & Assigning Locations
    • Assigning roles
    • Assigning queues
    • Finished
  6. Click Done to close the dialog box, or click Continue to upload another .csv file.