Add a Communication variable

Use the Communication variable to interact, via one-way communication, with a customer. The caller or chat recipient does not reply to the message.

Add a communication variable to a task sequence

In a task sequence, you can add a communication variable to an Update Data action.

  1. From the Toolbox, expand the Data category and drag an Update Data action to the desired location in the task.
  2. In the Update Data workspace, add a meaningful name to describe the item.
  3. Click next to Update Statements and select Communication.
  4. In the Variable Name field, type the label to identify the variable on tasks.
  5. In the Value To Assign field, do one of the following:
    • To set the value using an expression add the expression inline.
    • To set the value using the large expression editor, click to open the Edit Expression Editor and build your expression.
    • To set the value using the Communication Sequence Builder, perform these steps:
      1. Click the Expression modes button to open the Communication Sequence Builder.
      2. Select Communication Sequence Builder and build a custom communication sequence or enter a custom expression.
    • To set the value using the Rich Text Builder, perform these steps:
      1. Click the Expression modes button to open the Rich Text Builder.
      2. Select Rich Text Builder and build a communication in the editor or enter a custom expression.
  6. (Optional) To add another communication variable, click next to Update Statements.