Use Architect in read-only mode

In Architect, a flow in read-only mode cannot be edited, published, or deleted. However, in some situations and with the appropriate permission, you can switch from read-only to edit mode. Flows open in read-only mode if:

  • You only have the Architect > Flow > View permission.
  • The call flow is locked by another user.
  • You select the Open menu and choose to open a current or previous version of a locked or unlocked flow.

Users with only the Architect > Flow > View permission have limited access to flows within Architect. With this permission, you can search for and view a flow, but you cannot edit, publish, or delete it. 

  1. Select the flow you want to view.
  2. Click Open.

Note: Architect opens with the following message: This flow is not open for edit and is currently locked by [user]. You can optionally export the configuration.

  1. Select the flow you want to view.
  2. Click Open.

Note: Architect opens with the following message: This flow is not currently open for edit. You can optionally export the configuration, or you can optionally click the Edit button to open and lock the flow under your account and to make edits.

When you open a previous version of a flow, you can perform additional tasks. For example, you can unpublish the currently published version. You can also open any version and export the configuration or use Save As to create a copy of the current flow and save it under a new name.

Note: When you view a previous version of a flow, it opens in read-only mode.

Open a previous version of the current flow

  1. From within the flow, click the Version button. The Available Versions dialog box opens.
  2. Click the version number link for the flow you want to view. A read-only version of the flow opens in a new tab.

Open a previous version of a flow from the Architect home page

  1. From the Architect home page, click the tab that contains the type of flow whose previous version you want to view. 
  2. From the flow list, next to the desired flow select the dimmed check box to enable it and then click the Versions button. The Available Versions dialog box opens.
  3. Click the version number link for the flow you want to view.

  • When you open a previous version of a flow, Architect displays the following message: You are currently viewing an older version of this flow.
  • If an authorized user from another organization created or modified the flow, a purple icon appears next to the user's name. Hover over the icon to view details about the user.