Script arithmetic operators and functions

You can use a variety of arithmetic operators and functions in dynamic variable expressions. To override the default precedence of operators, use parentheses. Operators include:

Operator Name Syntax
(, ) Parentheses (x)
[, ] Matrix, Index […]
, Parameter separator x, y
; Statement separator x; y
; Row separator [x, y]
\n Statement separator x \n y
+ Add x + y
+ Unary plus +y
Subtract x – y
Unary minus -y
* Multiply x * y
.* Element-wise multiply x .* y
/ Divide x / y
./ Element-wise divide x ./ y
%, mod Modulus x % y
^ Power x ^ y
.^ Element-wise power x .^ y
Transpose y’
! Factorial y!
& Bitwise and x & y
~ Bitwise not ~x
| Bitwise or x | y
^| Bitwise xor x ^| y
<< Left shift x << y
>> Right arithmetic shift x >> y
>>> Right logical shift x >>> y
and Logical and x and y
not Logical not not y
or Logical or x or y
xor Logical xor x xor y
= Assignment x = y
? : Conditional expression x ? y : z
: Range x : y
to, in Unit conversion x to y
== Equal x == y
!= Unequal x != y
< Smaller x < y
> Larger x > y
<= Smallereq x<= y
>= Largereq x >= y