Manage shift activities in a work plan

You can edit, copy, and delete daily shift activities in an existing work plan.

  1. Click Admin.
  2. Under Workforce Management, click Management Units. The Management Units page opens.
  3. Under Configuration, click Work Plans.
  4. In the upper right corner, click the Management Unit list and select the appropriate management unit.
  5. Select a work plan. 

  1. Double-click the shift activity you want to edit. 
    Note: The Edit Activity dialog box opens.
  2. Select a new activity from the list.
  3. Click OK.

  1. Double-click the shift activity you want to edit. 
    Note: The Edit Activity dialog box opens.
  2. Under Length, use the Hours and Minutes up and down arrows to determine the length of time the activity lasts. 
    Note: In the work plan view, you can also use the sizing arrows to adjust the length of the activity.
  3. Click OK.

  1. Double-click the shift activity you want to edit. 
    Note: The Edit Activity dialog box opens.
  2. To specify that the activity start time is dependent upon the shift start time, do the following:
    1. Select the Start Time is Relative to Shift Start check box.
    2. Under Start Time, use the Hours and Minutes arrows to set the activity’s start time in relation to the shift start time. For example, 2 hours from shift start.
      Note: Relative time, rather than absolute time (for example, 10:00 a.m.) is used here.
  3. To set an actual activity start time, do the following:
    1. Clear the Start Time is Relative to Shift Start check box.
    2. Under Start Time, enter the actual activity start time. 
  4. To set a flexible activity start time, do the following:
    1. Select the Flexible Start Time check box.
    2. Under Earliest Start, set the earliest time for this activity by typing in the box or using the Hours and Minutes arrows. 
    3. Under Latest Start, set the latest time for this activity can start by typing in the box or using the Hours and Minutes arrows. 
    4. Select the amount of time to increment the activity start time using the Hours and Minutes arrows.
  5. Click OK.

  1. Double-click the shift activity you want to edit. 
    Note: The Edit Activity dialog box opens.
  2. If the activity counts toward paid time, set Counts as Paid Time to Yes.
  3. If the activity counts as contiguous, or consecutive, work time, set Counts as Work Time to Yes
    Note: Contiguous time helps make sure that agents do not work too long without getting a break.

  1. In the upper right corner of the work plan page, click Validate .
  2. Optionally copy information to the Clipboard for review.
  3. Resolve any work plan errors.
  4. Click OK.

  1. Click the activity to delete.
  2. Press Delete on the keyboard.