Manage licenses

By default, Genesys Cloud enables automatic license assignment. Each role has an associated license, which reflects the level of permissions assigned to that role. 

You can dynamically add new users at any time subject to the rates listed on your contract. Your new users can then access Genesys Cloud immediately. You can also choose to apply available licensing add-ons. For more information, see Assign roles, licenses, and add-ons

To increase the number of annually committed seats for your Genesys Cloud subscription, contact your client success or sales representative.  If you do not wish to increase the annual committed amount (e.g. user count increase is only expected for a few months), then no action is required and usage will be billed at the overage or month to month rates listed on your contract.

Note: For Genesys Cloud feature licensing information, see the Genesys Cloud Pricing Guide on the Genesys corporate site.