Create a remote phone

  • Telephony > Plugin > All permission

Once you created a remote phone base settings profile, you can create the phone profile. This profile contains a few settings found on the Phone tab that define the remote phone in Genesys Cloud. Some settings on the Phone tab are inherited from the base settings. However, you can customize the phone by altering any of the settings that it inherited from the base settings configuration-without effecting the original base settings configuration. See Inherited settings.

  • A call to a cell phone configured as a remote phone in Genesys Cloud may not connect if the number is not assigned to a Genesys Cloud user profile. Some cell carriers do not allow calls to unassigned numbers.
  • If the remote phone is part of a group ring, keep in mind that Genesys Cloud uses call analysis to verify delivery of calls to remote phones. Therefore, to avoid disconnection, users must answer with a verbal response.

Warning: Do not set up a remote phone with a private phone number if calls to that phone could include sensitive information, such as health records or credit card data. Doing so could violate certain regulations, such as HIPAA.

Configure the phone

  1. Click Admin.
  2. Under Telephony, click Phone Management.
  3. Click the Phones tab.
  4. Click Add.

Phone tab

Configure settings on the Phone tab.

  1. Type a name in the Phone Name box.
  2. From the Base Settings list, select the remote phone base settings configuration you created.
  3. From the Site list, select your site.
  4. In the Remote Address box, enter the phone’s SIP address or remote phone number using E.164 format. 
  5. Choose one of the following steps:
    • To use the default phone configuration settings and complete the remote phone configuration, click Save Phone.
    • To customize the phone configuration settings, proceed to the Customize the Phone section of this article.

Customize the phone

  1. In the Phone Configuration panel, click the arrow to expand the section containing the settings you want to customize.

Setting Description
Incoming Caller Address

When you select the Use the trunk’s prioritized caller selection rules option, the Edge uses the default caller ID setting specified by the Prioritized Caller Selection in the trunk configuration.

When you select the Use the original caller address option, the Edge passed the original caller’s info as the ANI when calling the remote station leg.

For more information, see External trunk settings.[/bs_well]

Persistent Connection Settings

When the persistent connection feature is disabled, Genesys Cloud must create a connection for every call.

When you enable the persistent connection feature and set a timeout value, you improve Genesys Cloud’s ability to process subsequent calls. More specifically, calls that come in while the connection is still active, are handled more efficiently because they can immediately use the existing connection.

Note: While remote phones support the persistent connection feature, they do not support the auto answer feature.

Persistent Connection

Disabled (Default): Do not use persistent connection feature.

Enabled: Turn on persistent connection feature.

Persistent Connection Timeout Sets the amount of time, in seconds, that the open connection can remain idle before Genesys Cloud automatically closes it.

The Custom option is designed to allow Genesys Cloud Customer Care personnel to alter a phone configuration for troubleshooting or special circumstances. You should only enter custom property settings as directed by Genesys Cloud Customer Care.
Setting Description
Property Name The name to assign to the custom property.
Data Type  The data type for the custom property.
Value The value to assign the custom property.

  1. To use the custom phone configuration settings and complete the remote phone configuration, click Save Phone.