Edit the default in-queue call flow

Architect supplies a built-in Default In-Queue Flow, but you can create and use additional in-queue flows to suit your company specifications and preferencesYou cannot edit the name or description of the default in-queue flow, but you can modify the default behavior according to your flow design. When you edit and republish an existing flow, Architect saves the changes and puts the configuration into effect immediately.

The default in-queue call flow is not automatically published. To use this flow to handle calls waiting in queue, you must first publish it.

You cannot delete the default in-queue call flow, and you cannot edit the name or description of the default in-queue call flow. However, if you have the Architect user editor or admin permission assigned to your role, then you can modify the default behavior according to your flow design.

  1. From the Architect home page, click or hover over the Flows menu and select In-Queue Call.
  2. Click the default in-queue flow. The flow editor opens.
  3. Optionally configure the in-queue flow’s default settings.
  4. In the In-Queue Task design area, click the Hold Music action in the task sequence. The In-Queue Task editor opens.
  5. Build the in-queue flow task according to your design.
  6. Validate and publish the in-queue flow.