Work with management units


The following permissions:

  • Workforce Management > Management Unit > AddDelete, Edit, and Search

Management units organize agents with common planning period settings, adherence rules, time-off rules, and shift-trading rules. Management units:

  • Partition agents into logical groups with similar planning period, adherence, time off, and shift trading rules.
  • Set permissions independently by management unit.
  • Allow you to view and edit schedules for a subset of the overall business unit schedule.

Workforce management contains schedules for your contact center that are created for the business unit. Management units, which are assigned to business units, allow you to organize agents into groups based on the types of rules you would like to set up for local management. Agents that handle the same set of interactions should belong to the same business unit and can be spread across different management units if different management rules or permissions are required. If there are more than 1500 agents that require similar planning period, adherence, time-off, and shift trading rules, then they can be split across management units.

Note: The maximum number of business units in an organization is 50; the maximum number of management units in a business unit is 10; the maximum number of management units in an organization is 500; the maximum number of agents allowed in a management unit is 1500.
Column Description
Management Unit Name Click this header to management unit to sort the list in ascending or descending order. Click the arrow next to the header to open the Filter Column search box, where you can begin typing a few letters of a management unit name to narrow the list.
Add Open the Add Management Unit page and set up a new management unit.
Division The division in which the management unit belongs.
  • From the Management Unit header, select this button to add or remove columns from the view, or to reset to the default display.
  • Next to a management unit name, click this button to access the Delete option, which removes the selected management unit from the organization. 
Move Move the selected management unit to an available business unit. 
Refresh Update the list of management units.

For more information about management units, see the tasks outlined in the following articles.

Task Description
Add a management unit Add a new management unit and specify the time zone and starting day of the week.
Manage a management unit Edit a management unit or delete the management unit from your organization.
Move a management unit Move a management unit from one business unit to another.
Manage agents in a management unit Add or remove agents in your organization’s management unit.
Filter and sort workforce management items Depending on your view, narrow or categorize workforce management items for search purposes.