Series: Architect tutorial for beginning users

Lesson 1: Create and upload audio prompts

The call flow authors have created a high-level layout for Genesys Cloud Animal Care’s call flow. The flow includes several audio prompt resources. We provide some of the prompts for you to upload, and you must record some of them from your browser. Although you must create some prompts without instructions, all procedures appear in the video tutorials. 


  • Upload pre-recorded prompts
  • Record and upload new prompts
  • Practice recording and uploading prompts on your own

Estimated time to complete: 15 minutes


  • Review Work with call prompts
  • Ensure that you are working in a supported browser, and that your computer has a microphone
  • Download the example prompts file, and extract the prompts to a local directory


In this section, you upload pre-recorded prompts, and record new prompts for use in upcoming lessons. You will add prompts to various menu choices in future tutorial lessons.

Upload a pre-recorded audio prompt

To begin, upload the first pre-recorded prompt. The first prompt is the initial greeting, which callers only hear when they enter the flow for the first time. You will add prompts to various menu choices in future tutorial lessons.

  1. From the Architect home page, click or hover over the Prompts menu and select User.
  2. Click Add. The Create Prompt dialog box opens.
  3. Type GCACInitialGreeting as the prompt name and optionally add a description of the prompt.
    Note: The prompt name cannot contain spaces or special characters. It must be unique to other prompt names. If the prompt name is already in use, Architect prompts you with a message.
  4. Click Create Prompt. The Create Prompt box changes to include the Language Resources area.
  5. In the Language Resources area, click Add Audio and from the menu that appears, click Upload. The Upload Audio dialog box appears.
  6. Click Select audio file to import, then navigate to and select the GCACInitialGreeting.wav file that you stored locally.
  7. Click Upload. Architect processes and stores the audio file. 
  8. Click OK.

    Record the Main Menu prompt from your browser

    Here, you record an audio prompt for the Menu Prompt. The menu prompt plays the first time callers enter the menu, and each time they reenter it. 

    NoteIf you have not already given Architect permission to access the microphone, your browser may prompt you to allow microphone access. If you have previously denied access, then you may need to reset this setting in your web browser.
    1. From the User Prompts page, click Add. The Create Prompt dialog box opens.
    2. Type GCACMainMenu as the prompt name and optionally add a description of the prompt.
    3. Click Create PromptThe Create Prompt box changes to include the Language Resources area.
    4. In the Language Resources area, click Add Audio and from the menu that appears, click Record from browser. The Record Audio dialog box opens.
    5. When ready to record, click Start Recording and clearly speak the following menu prompt aloud: To schedule a medical appointment, or to reach the grooming salon, please press 1. For information about our pet tracking network and services, please press 2. If you have recently lost your pet or have located a pet with a Genesys Cloud Animal Care tracking ID, please press 3.
    6. Click Stop Recording, and then click Upload. In the Edit Prompt dialog box, Architect processes the audio.
    7. Click OK to close the Create Prompt dialog box.

    View the completed task

    Click the image to enlarge.

    Completed task


    In this section, you can practice the tasks that you just learned. If you have problems with the practice tasks, then refer to the corresponding task instructions and the supporting video.

    Now, upload the remaining prompts that you stored locally:

    • GCACEmergency.wav: “Is this a pet-related medical emergency?” prompt
    • GCACLostOrFound.wav: “Press one to report a lost pet. Press two to report a found pet.” prompt
    • GCACOnCallVet.wav: “Please hold while we locate the on-call doctor” prompt
    • GCACPetID.wav: “Please enter your eight digit pet ID or phone number” prompt
    • GCACRepresentative.wav: “Please hold while we transfer you to the appropriate representative” prompt
    • GCACShelter.wav: “Thank you. We have submitted your information to our shelter” prompt

    Record three more prompts for future lessons:

    • Create a prompt for a future appointment menu and title the prompt GCACAppointmentMenu. Record the following audio: For Dr. Hounds, press 1 or say Doctor Hounds. For Dr. Baskerville, press 2 or say Doctor Baskerville. For the grooming salon, press 3 or say Grooming Salon.
    • Create a prompt for a future informational pet tracking sales pitch and title the prompt GCACPetTracker. Record the following audio: The pet tracking product provides peace of mind for your entire family. With a simple tracking tag, charging station, solar panel, and backyard fence, you can have peace of mind that your pet will not absentmindedly wander off.
    • Create a prompt for a future menu that asks the callers if they want to hear future choices in French. Title the prompt GCACContinueEnFrancais and record the following audio: Pour container en français, appuyez deux.

    :Previous Suggested Article Next Suggested Article: Lesson 2: Create the initial flow and add menus