About Audio Connector

Use Audio Connector to stream conversation audio to your third-party voice bot services and then stream audio back to Genesys Cloud. Audio Connector is an open protocol designed for bi-directional audio streaming. This feature enables you to analyze and process caller audio by a third-party voice bot provider and play the audio response back to the caller. Audio Connector passes default conversation data to the third-party bot provider, such as ANIDNIS, organization ID, and conversation ID. For more information about how to implement an Audio Connector connection, see the AudioHook Protocol Specification in the Genesys Cloud Developer Center. For information about how to showcase a simple service that implements the Genesys AudioConnector protocol, see the Genesys AudioConnector Sample Service Github repository.


Audio Connector allows you to support bi-directional streaming with third-party services.

Install, configure, and enable Audio Connector

Audio Connector is available from the Genesys AppFoundry. The first step is to install Audio Connector. Next, configure, and activate Audio Connector.

Use Audio Connector in voice interaction flows

Use Audio Connector in Architect call flows. Use the Call Audio Connector action to start bi-directional streaming to a third-party voice bot.