Call Audio Connector action


  • Integrations > Integrations > View permission

Use the Call Audio Connector action to enable a previously configured Audio Connector integration and start streaming conversation audio to a third-party voice bot for audio processing before the streamed audio returns to Genesys Cloud. This action is available in the Bot category of the task editor’s Toolbox in inbound, outbound, and in-queue call flows.


Name Description
Name field Type a distinctive name for the Call Audio Connector action. The label you enter here becomes the action’s name displayed in the task sequence.

Select the specific Audio Connector integration that you want to use.

Connector ID

Type the ID of the voice bot that you want to connect to.

Note: The Connector ID is the unique identifier that you can specify for your voice bot to distinguish it from other bots that you may host on the same server. Genesys Cloud appends this ID to the Base Connection Uri of the selected Audio Connector integration when it establishes the websocket connection.


Define the input variables and their values that you want the action to pass on to the selected Audio Connector integration at runtime. Use these name/value pairs to define information that you want to provide to your third-party voice bot provider.


  • To expand or collapse the list of variables, click the arrow next to Inputs.
  • To move an Input card up or down in the list of variables, click and hold the card. To move a card when it is expanded, click and hold the header of the card.
  • To remove an input name/value pair from the list, click .

Define output variables if you expect an output from the third-party voice bot. When your third-party bot successfully completes the bot session, Architect assigns the key/value pairs that your Audio Connector integration returns to the output variables that you define here.


  • Click the arrow next to Outputs and expand or collapse the list of variables.
  • To move the pair down in the list, click Move Down next to an Output key/value pair. 
  • To remove an output key/value pair from the list, click .

Name Description
Failure Outputs

These outputs allow the flow author to map the results of any resulting errorType and errorMessage variables when the Call Audio Connector action takes the failure path.

  • errorType: A nonempty string that contains the type or category of the error.
  • errorMessage: A non-localized failure message. The string can be empty or NOT_SET.

Note: Hover over the information icon  next to errorType to display the list of allowable errorType values.

Select the variables that you want to assign to the failure data values returned by the Call Audio Connector action.

You can use the following errorType values:

  • ActionInvocationLimitExceeded: If a flow has successfully run the Call Audio Connector action five times, any subsequent invocations of the action take the failure path.
  • FeatureNotEnabledError: The Call Audio Connector action is not available for the organization.
  • InternalServerError: An unexpected error occurred during the Call Audio Connector action. Contact Genesys Cloud Customer Care.
  • NoInputError: The Audio Connector server did not detect speech after a set amount of time.
  • NoMatchError: The Audio Connector server detected speech, but could not match it to an appropriate response. For example, the server did not determine the caller’s intent.
  • NoResourceError: For example, if the third-party bot was not found.
  • VersionMismatchError: For example, if the client did not support the version of the Audio Connector protocol that the server used.

Note: Click the arrow next to Failure Outputs and expand or collapse the list of variables.